Carpe Diem School Garden Project
Click on image to enlarge CARPE DIEM is an integrated education centre concentrating on mentally and physically disadvantaged children like wheelchair bound Autistic children and children suffering from Downs Syndrome. The age group starts are from kindergarten up to matric and the centre caters for 350 children. The centre includes hostel facilities to accommodate 85 children from distant farming communities. Daily meals are provided by the in house kitchen. Food parcels are handed out for desperate families. The school has a bus service to return some children to their families on weekends if desired. The total staff of 101 employees are teachers, therapists, nurses and physiotherapists.
CARPE DIEM has currently an annual budget of R95 million Rand, half of which is provided by the George municipality and the Western Cape Government, and the rest by parents, donations and sponsorships.
The recent pandemic in SOUTH AFRICA caused an increase in unemployment of over 40 % and, combined with the closure of schools,widespread hunger, specifically for children. To alleviate this, the ROTARY CLUB OF GEORGE, organised four soup kitchens for the distribution offood.
With the closure of schools,the daily food supply for children was also interrupted.To date, the ROTARY CLUB OF GEORGE had received funds to maintain the soup kitchens forseveral monthsbut, it was clear to all concernedthat this was not a sustainable solution. After intensive discussions the establishment of FOOD GARDENS was decidedasbeing the best solution in going forwartd.
To start off the organization of such gardens requires dedicated and qualified partners to ensure success and sustainability and also a team to guide and train the children. The DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE in George has come on board with substantial know how, manpower, and funds to drive the activities and the first selected partner for such a Food Garden was CARPE DIEM in George.
A garden project had been in operation which was abandoned during the pandemic. Over time, the infrastructure such as tunnels and irrigation systems have also deteriorated
The Rotary Club of George has agreed to reactivate the gardening activities providing tools, water harvesting, expertise and compost. This initial phase has a budget of R125,000. And complies with Rotary regulations such as competitive bidding and proper documentation for audits.
The main objective of the gardening project is not only providing food for the kitchen at the school, but also providing training and education for the children in gardening and agriculture thus providing them with skills for their future.
George Night Shelter
Click on image to enlarge The George Night Shelter was established in 1994. The first Chairman, and holding the same office now,is Mr. Dave Weldon. Our own President elect Charles Rowe was also a member of the original Board.The first evening, the shelter opened its doors with 10 people who were given supper from a pot of soup and slept on mattresses.
Today the shelter has between 125 and 130 guests every night. It is significant to note that ladies needing shelter have increased significantly from 5 to 32.
Every evening, these people wait on the pavement and are allowed in from 17h00 to have a supper, shower, warm bed and breakfast before leaving at 8.00 the following morning. They are screened for alcohol and drugs before entry. The price of the shelter is R25 per night but some are lucky enough to be sponsored. The remaining ones beg for this on the street by day. The shelter does not turn any ‘clean’ people away, even if they do not have the money. Mattresses have been placed on the dining room tables in emergencies. The shelter is well managed by Rina Smith who has been integral, contributing to its success for the last 23 years. Her competent support staff are mainly previous guests now permanently employed.The Rotary Club of George is now represented on the Board and is busy upgrading the facilities through donations and a District Grant
George Night Shelter
Click on image to enlarge The George Night shelter provides a place to sleep, a cooked meal and a breakfast to the homeless at R25 per evening. About 120 people make use of the night shelter every night. There is a permanent social worker based at the shelter who assists the homeless to apply for their IDs, helps them create CVs and assists them in applying for work. The George Night Shelter enjoys the support of the George Municipality and the Department of Social Development (DSD), George Rotary Club has become involved and serves on the Board of management and recently through a donation conducted repairs to the roof and electrical system, as well as receive donations from the community and businesses George Rotary has applied for a Government Social funding grant to help build a new Dormitory. The shelter has a zero tolerance when it comes to the consumption of any substances. occupants are expected to leave the shelter at 08:00 and return by 15:00.The Shelter caters for homeless people at R25 per night giving them supper, a shower, a bed and breakfast. Check-in security is strict and everyone is checked that they have not been exposed to alcohol or drugs. The shelter is well run and clean. Some of the long term clients work at the shelter as cooks, cleaners, admin and maintenance for their keep and a small wage. At present there are 29 women and 100 men.
Zenzepa Global Grant Project
Click on image to enlarge BEST DISTRICT 9350 "Community Service Project 2018"
WIth the help of a global grant we have provided 2 after school care facilities in the disadvantaged areas near our club. Each facility now has complete IT setup with the latest technology to assist scholars with Microsoft products and N-Computing. Zenzele Aftercare is primarily an aftercare-centre providing lunch; extra reading and maths activities; supervised homework and care for Primary School children in Blanco, George,South Africa. The curriculum also expands the children’s world by exposing them to music, drama, outings and visits – as well as focusing on issues around health, drug abuse and crime. There is a focus on capacity building of volunteer teachers and ECD practitioners. these facilities were repeated at 7 passes school near Wilderness in the Southern Cape. This was a 3 year Global Grant project 2017 - 2020, and work is continuing to make the schools self sufficient.
Annual Golf Day 2019
Click on image to enlarge The George Rotary Annual Golf tournament was held on Sunday 9th June an 2019, Golf Committee organizers are pleased with both the turnout and funds raised, it was an amazing day. The 18 hole George Golf Club had 84 golfers participate this year, the prizes and the tee and green sponsorship was fantastic. Rotarian and co convenor Di Kershaw thanked the business community and all sponsor’s for their contribution to the tournament, members from the community who participated and all the George Rotarians more notably Dalleen, Di, Charles and the Golf committee for helping make this annual event so successful. The funds raised at this event and a raffle will go towards different Rotary projects in the George community.
Masithandane food Packs
The Rotary Club of George Community Service Director Donald Goldfain recently facilitated the delivery to an NGO based in Sedgefield on the Garden Route, Southern Cape, a monthly donation of 100 food packs which when cooked provide a basic meal for 6 persons. At this stage this fantastic donation (valued at R5000pm) is sponsored by Oakhurst Insurance group and is ongoing.
Masithandane serves more specifically the communities in and around Sedgefield but has now reached out to communities in need in the Eden and Karoo districts in the Southern Cape far beyond the greater Sedgefield area.
“ We were so happy to receive our fist 70 packets of meals and to know that we will be receiving further monthly donations of 100 packets. What a blessing! We thank Rotary George for the introduction and Oakhurst Insurance sincerely for supporting us.
We will be using the meals to supplement existing services, where needed, for our vulnerable children, senior citizens- ’Forget-me-nots’, and families in need in the various programmes. On behalf of our Management Board and beneficiaries we thank you so much for the wonderful donation.“ said Jacky Weaver Chairperson
Masi- (Let us -) thandane (love one another)!
The Management Board of Masithandane takes its role of governance very seriously and has focussed on ensuring that public trust continues to be earned and exists between our mission and our responsibility - those whom we serve. We are here “to serve the community where it is needed the most, especially those infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS and TB". Rotary George is proud to share in the spirit of ‘Service above Self’.
Take 5 Keep our Seas Alive
Click on image to enlarge "Take 5 and Keep Our Seas Alive" will be launched again this coming December season on local beaches in an effort to curb plastic pollution during the holiday season. The 'Take 5' drive urges all beach users to pick up at least five pieces of beach litter and dispose of them correctly. The awareness campaign will run until 13th January, but the clean-up drive will continue indefinitely.
Taking hands
The anti-pollution project is a joint initiative between George Tourism, George Rotary Club and the George Herald. It mirrors similar successful campaigns in other countries such as the Australian "Two Hands Project" and "Take 3 for the Sea".
Tourism manager, Joan Shaw, outlines how people's influence can combat beach littering: "We believe many small individual actions can have an immense impact on our local beaches and waterways. The more people who join our campaign and take action against pollution, the more pristine our coasts will remain!"
Eden Kite Festival
Click on image to enlarge The 4th edition of the Eden Kite Festival has been expanded to a two-day event.
Over the weekend of October 20 to 21, in George and Sedgefield, the main event - the Kite Team Challenge - will see teams of three in an aerial battle using traditional Japanese-style fighting kites. Teams are given training and tips from professional kiters and are given kites to fly.
For the past three years, it’s been the highlight of the festival, with teams of friends and companies getting into the heat of the battle.
The addition of George to the festival was the brainchild of the George Rotary Club, and Rotary has undertaken to organise the extra day. The event also has the full support of George Tourism.
Golf Raffle Draw 2017
Click on image to enlarge GOLF RAFFLE FOR FUNDS
The Rotary Club of George recently held a R200 “WIN A GOLF LUCKY PRIZE DRAW” in order to raise much needed funds for the clubs Project Fund Account. Although not quite making the 100 ticket sales target, Rotarians, their partners and ‘friends of Rotary’ managed to sell 84 tickets; Raising an amount of R16, 800.($1,1699) These Top Quality and sort after Prizes were generously donated!
1. 1ST PRIZE: MICHELE SEEGMULLER - His choice was the 4-ball at Hermanus and Arabella Golf Courses, in the western Cape.
2. 2ND PRIZE: MARIUS ROBBERTS - His Choice was the Louis Oosthuizen Golf Experience prize of three nights’ accommodation for 8 people in an 8 sleeper luxury villa at the Nkonjeni Golf Estate in Swaziland, including 2 rounds of golf with golf carts for 4 golfers - valued at R21,000.
3. 3RD PRIZE: WAYNE HODGESON - An original signed picture of Jordan Spiedth winning the US Masters in 2015.
Congratulations to the winners!
Click on image to enlarge George Tourism and George Rotary Club will be launching a high-impact environmental campaign on all the George and Wilderness beaches from 10 December.
Initiated by George Rotary Club and supported by Group Editors and George Herald with advertising, photos and articles, beach goers are asked to ‘Take 5 to keep our seas alive’.
Signage will be erected on all the beaches, with the strong message to collect and remove at least 5 pieces of plastic from the beach every day. Although the focus is on plastic, visitors are urged to remove all forms of rubbish when leaving the beach.
In an effort to keep the beautiful Garden Route Beaches clean, George Tourism will be handing out recyclable goodie bags to visitors as they arrive at the airport and on the beaches. These bags will contain tourist information, but also vitally important information on water safety, while urging visitors to take 5 pieces of plastic off the beach when they leave. The bags can be used to collect plastic, emptied into the provided rubbish bins, and re-used on a daily basis.
All the Rotary clubs in the Garden Route are on board and are approaching the various municipalities to ensure that the Take 5 campaign includes the entire Eden District coastline – from Witsand in the west, right through to Keurboomstrand east of Plett.
Think about how you can travel plastic free this holiday. Here are 5 tips on some basics to help prevent the plastic from reaching the beach in the first place:
•Carry a re-usable drink bottle to fill with water instead of buying multiple bottles of drinking water
•Snack on fruit – not only is it healthy and delicious, but it is kind to environment
•Put healthy snacks in a jar that you can rinse out at night, and re-use. Good for salads, seeds & nuts and even biltong
•Bring a spoon or chopsticks to rinse and re-use
•Multi-purpose your beach bag and use it for shopping
For more information, call George Tourism Manager Joan Shaw on 044 8019103 or George Rotary Club Community Service Director Donald Goldfain on 083 251 8401. Support this effort by giving ‘Take 5 - keep our seas alive’ a resounding high five!
The Santa Flights 2017
Click on image to enlarge GEORGE AIRPORT - Once again we brought ALL the George Service Clubs together to carry out this unique Christmas project to benefit the youth of George. – all the planning, meetings and coordinating was made worthwhile, after seeing the delighted faces and hearing comments such as this one from a child just coming off his flight; “This is the most amazing day of my whole life!” Santa and his band of merry helpers from five service clubs, including Rotary and interactors toiled away in the midday sun at the George airport on Saturday 2nd December, organising the Santa Flights, catering and entertainment for 68 excited youngsters.
The nervous laughter in anticipation of their first flight in a small four-seater light plane soon changed into delight when they touched down after a 15 minute flight over George.
It would be impractical and very expensive to hire a large jet to come to George and offer this ‘experience of a lifetime’ for these children, and so that is why the Clubs are thankful to the Flight Training College at the George Airport who supplied the three light aircraft that have made the dream a reality. The Service clubs had to raise the funds for the R3 500 fuel bill, and volunteer their time and effort in entertaining and catering, but the reward is in seeing the smiles on the faces once the kids are back on dry land. "The service Club members all agree that we want to create lifelong memories so that children who experience this party are able to carry the joy and uniqueness of the experience with them for the rest of their lives,”
This year the children who benefited are from the ACVV Môreson Kinderhuis in Denneoord, Ruiterbos Primary in Mossel Bay, Herbertsdale Primary between Mossel Bay and Riversdale, the Seven Passes Initiative, Young Ambassadors Primary School and George South Primary. The service Clubs involved in the project are the Eden Lions Club, George Round Table, George Rotary Club, Vryburgers and the Outeniqua Moth Shell Hole. The staff and students from the Flight Training College and Eden 911, as well as metering and utility management Solutions Company, Power Measurement and Distribution, were lauded for their support, expertise and patience on the day. Starlight Aviation from Mossel Bay brought Santa Claus to the George Airport in a helicopter, much to the delight of young and old.
From the Service Clubs, the Flight Training School and Pilots, to each person who had a part to play in making this amazing project happen – The Rotary Club of George is extremely proud to be part of this exciting initiative, giving the youth from previously disadvantaged backgrounds the chance of a lifetime and giving back to those less fortunate the opportunity to enjoy a really fun day.
And so the Service Clubs have committed and are aiming even higher as they already start planning for The Santa Flight 2018!
Red Cross Childrens Hospital
Click on image to enlarge Working Together for Red Cross Children's Hospital
District 9370 Clubs get together for a Global Grant for Medical Equipment for the Red Cross Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town. The Red Cross Project is a sterling example of “together we can make a bigger difference” There are nine participating clubs in our District namely:
RC Knysna (will act as host club)
RC Belville
RC Cape Town
RC Claremont
RC George
RC Hermanus
RC Mossel Bay
RC Stellenbosch
RC Waterfront
RC Beaufort West (did not wish to participate in the GG process but sent R10’000 to RC Knysna as a contribution). This amount has been added to the RC Knysna’s contribution so as to benefit from TRF matching funds.
There are 16 Canadian clubs that have agreed to participate. PDG Frank Rothermel of RC Knoxville Canada, is an old friend of Knysna RC. He visited Knysna in March this year and pledged US$5000 of his personal funds to the project.
A German club, RC Munster, only two years old, found out about our project and became very keen to participate. The Club Number is 1648 which is the date of the Treaty of Westphalia, signed in Munster in that year, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War. RC Munster’s mission is peace and freedom and hence their club was attracted to the historic initiation of the Red Cross Memorial Hospital which, as you know, was founded in memory of those SA soldiers lost in WWII. Their district is matching the club’s contribution.
Then, of course, we have the largest contributor to the project other than TRF, the Government of Canada, which has approved a US$60’000 grant, applied for and arranged by our Canadian partners under the incredible leadership of PG Elect, Lesley Barmania of RC Mississauga–Meadowvale.
The medical equipment which forms the basis of the GG is sourced in Europe and the price is tied to the R/Euro exchange rate at the time of order placement. The application is for a total of $253 419 which includes the 8 Draeger, BabyLeo closed incubators, the 3 Giraffe open baby warmers, an allowance for staff training and a currency fluctuation contingency of about 10%. ‘Making a Difference by coming together in the greater interest of ‘Service above Self’
Rotary Family Health Day 2017
Click on image to enlarge The minister of health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, invited members of the public to attend the Rotary Family Health Days campaign in October which serves to bring integrated health services closer to the communities as part of the department's accelerated health programme.
In George, there will be two Family Health Days, namely on Thursday 5 October at Van der Stel Square, and on Saturday 7 October at both the Pacaltsdorp and Blanco clinics. Rotary club of George Rotarians will be in attendance at both venues.The hours of service will be 08:00 till 14:00. Patients must bring their clinic cards with them.Members of the communities attending these events will receive free health services including the following:
HIV testing and counselling
TB screening and testing
Diabetes screening
Hypertension screening
Provision of contraceptives
Hepatitis screening
The campaign takes place in partnership with the Rotarians for Family Health and Aids Prevention (RFHA) and Rotarians in South Africa.
Caxton is one of several publishing companies that helps with the spreading of the message to the community.
More information is available through the following avenues:
Website: http://rfhdsouthafrica.org or www.health.gov.za
Facebook: RotaryFamilyHealthDaysSA
Twitter: @RFHD_ZA
Toll free number: 0800 012 322
School Speech Compitition 2017
Click on image to enlarge The Rotary Club of George has announced the winners of the Club’s sixth Annual Rotary School Speech Competition for schools in our region, the Southern Cape. The speech finals were held at various High Schools from Monday 9th October to Friday 13th October, drawing finalist speakers from Central High in Beaufort West, from Knysna High and Wittedrift High from Plettenberg Bay, from Hillcrest Secondary in Mosselbay and George finalists came from York High, Curro, Outeniqua High and Parkdene High.
Past President and Convenor Donald Goldfain congratulated the winners and commended them all on the excellent standard of the speech delivery this year. This Rotary project provides a platform for grade 10 and grade 11 learners in the region to participate in a public speaking and to have the opportunity of winning prizes for the best speakers. Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at R500, R350 and R250 respectively.
Polar Bear Plunge 2017
Click on image to enlarge Rotary's Best two helpers at the Polar Bear Plunge2017. Over 600 hundred blankets donated and Rotary warmed up the swimmers with over 500 steaming hot cups of chocolate and coffee. Thanks dotsure , You guys ROCK 😊😊
Knysna Fire Relief 2017
Click on image to enlarge George Rotary Club’s contribution to the relief efforts for the Knysna fire victims was quick and focussed. The Club purchased two bakkie loads of warm second hand clothes from the George SPCA shop. This made our cash work twice as hard. Not only were we able to provide a couple of hundred items of warm clothing for Knysna fire victims, but we were also able to financially contribute to the SPCA who used the money from this sale to finance animal rescue operations for animals caught up in this disaster.
The Club Teamed up with and the Mayor of George and Marius van der Colff from George Super Kitchens to provide hot cooked meals for both fireman and victims. Marius and his Team cooked the food , Rotary helped finance the food and the Mayor arranged transport from George to the areas where the food was most needed. We estimate that some 10,000 hot meals were provided during the week after the disaster. Funds have poured into Rotary from generous donors and our Club has put this to good use. We are currently investigating setting up a “Food Bank” of three to four thousand frozen meals that would be available within hours of any similar disaster.
A BIG Rotary Thank You to all our donors and especially to Marius and the Municipality for joining us in this worthwhile project.
Bethesda Windfall
Click on image to enlarge Bethesda Windfall
The Rotary Club of George facilitated a donation of R 20,000 By the Garden Route Mall to Bethesda for the purchase of two special adjustable beds to be able to accommodate patients in appropriate hospital beds that have certain features that support the general well being of the patients and positioning of the patients in bed; as well as assisting our staff in providing effective care.
Most of Bethesda's adult hospital beds in the ICF are old; and they are in the process of replacing all the old beds with new beds. The new beds will be adjustable and equipped with positioning features.On Thursday 19th January , a Cheque of R20,000 was handed over to Rotary for Bethesda by Rion Olivier, GM of The Garden Route Mall. Rotary's heartfelt thanks to Rion and Andrea van Rensburg from the Mall administration Team.
Up with Downs Oct Veggies
Click on image to enlarge Well done Ferdi and Ian Your Up With Downs vegetable garden has yielded some scrumptious goodies !
2016 Speech Competition Finals
Click on image to enlarge The Rotary Club of George has announced the winners of the Club’s fifth Annual Rotary School Speech Competition for schools in our region. The speech finals were held at Heatherpark High School on Friday 14th October , drawing finalist speakers from Central High in Beaufort West, from Knysna High and Wittedrift High from Plettenberg Bay, from Hillcrest Secondary in Mosselbay and George finalists came from York High, Curro, Outeniqua High and Parkdene High.
President Di Kershaw congratulated the winners and commended them all on the excellent standard of the speech delivery this year. This Rotary project provides a platform for grade 10 and grade 11 learners in the region to participate in a public speaking and to have the opportunity of winning prizes for the best speakers. Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at R500, R350 and R250 respectively .
Seniors Braai
Click on image to enlarge The George Service Clubs annual joint Seniors project hosted a lunchtime braai for Seniors from local George retirement homes. Rotary Club of George, The Eden Lions , George Round Table and the Moths hosted about 70 Seniors at the Moth Hall on Saturday 10th September.
Many thanks to all the Club members that arrived to assist. Well organised by our Club's convenor Rotarian Rick .
Great project. Well done everyone.
Phelophepa Health Train 2016
Click on image to enlarge
Done and Dusted !!
Phelopephepa Soup Kitchen :
About 400 cups of soup, two slices of bread and a “Thanda Jesu” food pack. (Thanks Oakhurst Insurance and Bev Hogan)
Rosemore Old Age Home : 130 bowls of soup
Night Shelter : 70 bowls of soup
Thanks everyone that came and gave a hand. great community service project.
2016 Golf Day
Click on image to enlarge Thank you George Rotary for all pulling together Special thanks to Daleen Rowe, without whom we would not have pulled this off, PE Di for all her hard work with Daleen in organising EVERYTHING , Andrew for blackmailing so many sponsors , Charles for your invaluable input and to Phillip for providing such great entertainment and of course ALL the rest that sold 4 balls, raffle tickets and supported on the day. Great project ! Thank you !!!!
Best Dist 9350 Project
Click on image to enlarge Smiles all around, especially the staff and patients of Bethesda Hospice in George, for the valuable upgrade to their medical Equipment with sponsorship from the Rotary Club Bad Homberg vdH in Germany and the Rotary Club of George in a joint project through Rotary Foundation.
Bigger smiles were seen at the Rotary District 9350 conference held recently in Stellenbosch where the "Bethesda Medical Project" won the award for the "Best Community Project" as well as the "Best Overall Project"
Past President Mike Tacke, Director of International affairs and Project leader said that he was extremely grateful for the sponsorship of R500K for the project and thanked both the Bethesda and Rotary teams for valuable contribution to the process of upgrading of the equipment, training of the staff and planning the maintenance of the equipment for the sustainability of the project.
Well done to Mike and the Bethesda Team !!
Old Car Show 2016
Click on image to enlarge Well done Team George Rotary ! Great turnout by you all , loads of hard work to keep those thirsty visitors quenched. Thanks to SAB and especially Mike Stephenson from SAB for their sponsorship. Great marketing by The Old Car Show, amazing George weather and throngs of vistors . Great project and an excellent fund raiser . Look forward to doing this agin in 2017 !
Garden Route Mall Rugby Balls
Click on image to enlarge #RotaryClubGeorge hands over 400 #touchrugby ball donated by the #Gardenroutemall. President Martin and PP Di handed over 400 Garden Route Mall donated rugby balls to various George charities. Special thanks to ATTAC , Garden Route Mall ,Andrea van Rensburg from the Mall and martin-Jon De Vos from outeniqua Park Stadium. Great joint project. Thanks You.
Up with Downs Veggies
Click on image to enlarge Up with Downs Vegetable Garden Project
Ferdi Rowan’s unwavering commitment to this great project has borne “vegetables” !
At the annual fte held late November, some of the produce from the project ( lettuce,herbs and little flowers) were sold to raise funds. Well done Ferdi and her team of helpers at Up with Downs !
Rotary Health Day Blanco
Click on image to enlarge Great Project ! Thanks Ferdi, , Lynne, Cornell and everyone else involved !
Great to see the Rotarians , Interactors, Friends of Rotary and Dept. of Health Team all working do well together .
2015 Speech Competition
Click on image to enlarge 2015 Speech Competition is in full swing
2015 Puff-Puff Project
Click on image to enlarge Another Joint Service Club Puff-Puff Project Perfectly Executed
(Joint & Puff-Puff refers to All CAW Service Clubs & the Railcars and NOT a Wildernerian pastime !)
Thanks to all the Service Club members that pitched in and helped to again make this event the special event that it always is. A special mention for Ceri and Lynn who both worked tirelessly from start to finish.
The Phelophepa Train 2015
Click on image to enlarge Fellow George Service Clubs,
What a GREAT Joint Service Club Project ! Thank you everyone for your participation and enthusiasm.
We are clearly a community that cares. I saw an email from Peter Pepler that indicates that there will be a repeat event next year in August !!!!!
So please put some money in your 2016 budgets for this event and let’s have a repeat performance in 2016. Great job everyone, you can all have the weekend off !
Up-With-Downs Veggie Gardens
Click on image to enlarge We have it on good authority that the Ferdi & Ian’s Rotary Up-With-Downs veggie garden project is alive and well and looks set to have a bumper crop !
Well Done to the Rowans !!!
Magazine Harvest Project
Click on image to enlarge Two LAND ROVER loads of books and magazines were distributed to Imazamu Yethu High, York High Interact , Rundle Interact and RLR's library. Books and Mags collected during July and distributed in August. This project just keeps chuggin' along !
RLR gets Lounge Furniture
Click on image to enlarge RLR Furniture Project
Thanks to a kind donation of furniture from Ian Menzies and organised by Rotarian Peter Gibbs and expertly delivered by Ian & Ferdi Rowan. Thanks everyone !!
From: George Service Utility Company [mailto:georgeserviceclubs@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 4:33 PM
To: 'Donald Goldfain'
Cc: 'Malcolm Pollard'
Subject: Donation Furniture George Service Clubs Utility Company
Dear Donald and Rotary members
Thank you so much for the donation of the furniture which we will use in Kay Barron and some of it in Kilpin House - our Assisted Living units.
Your ongoing support is appreciated.
Kind regards
Juanita van Wyk : Manager George Service Clubs RLR
Magazine Harvest Project
Click on image to enlarge Thanks to all of you who have been and keep donating your old books and magazines.
Two FULL Land Rover Loads of over 2000 magazines were delivered to Hope Church on Wilderness Heights, Rosemore Old Age Home, Bethesda, Thanda Jesu, Imizamo Yethu and 250 books were delivered to the RLR Retirement centre and the Imizamo Yethu school library.
UCT Dance Tour
Click on image to enlarge UCT School of Dance at the George Arts Theatre .
Well done PP Charles Rowe for a well organised event. Thank you President Di and Ferdi for feeding the dancers and to all of you that hosted the students . For those Rotarians that could not make the show, you all missed a really interesting evening.
CANSA 2015
Click on image to enlarge George Rotary Rotarians , Visitors to our Club and York High Interactors ran a great pancake stall at this year’s CANSA WALK held at Carpe Diem in George on Saturday evening. And also chalked up an impressive number of laps around the track. Well done to all of you that supported this great event. Well organised by Trevor and Charles. The Editor sadly, was sampling wine in Wilderness and was unable to stagger over to give his support. No doubt the Finemaster will have much to say on this issue ...........
OCC 2015
Click on image to enlarge Another successful OCC for George. Well done to the OCC Committee, all those involved in setting the OCC up and especially to all the participants that braved the cold and rain and competed. All 1,100 of you. Our Club was involved in feeding 700 participants at the athletes briefing on Friday evening and then feeding 1,200 participants and pushers on Saturday. many thanks to all of the Rotarians, Partners , friends and Interactors that worked so hard in the cold and rain to make our part in the race such a success. Thank you all .
2015 Old Car Show
Click on image to enlarge Great Rotary turnout of Rotarians , Past Rotarians , Future Rotarians , Rotarian Partners and friends. Early indications are that we made good money on this project. Thanks to Mike from SAB for his great sponsorship and help and congratulations to PE Martin on a slick and well run project. Thanks to all of you who supported and helped on this project.
Quilt Raises R11k for Rosemore
Click on image to enlarge A group of Fancourt Quilters made a beautiful quilt which was auctioned off during December at a Fancourt members Golf Day. The auction raised R 11,000.
The group asked Ferdi Rowan if Rotary had a project that this money could use and Ferdi and Ian suggested the Rosemore laundry project.
So PP Mike and Rosemore Project Team , the first of your project's funding is starting to arrive.
many thanks to the fancourt Quilters and to Ferdi and Ian for promptly finding a home for the auction proceeds !
A very successful Santa Flight 2014 was held on the 6th December .This is the annual Joint Services Club Project in which we give 100 under privileged a flip in a light plane , lunch , fun and games and Father Christmas arrived and handed out presents to all. Great project !
Emmaus Fete
Click on image to enlarge George Rotarians assisted Emmaus at their annual fete on Saturday 29th November. Pres Di , Rtns Alex , Charles and Donald as well as visitor Moira Culverwell worked hard at the White Elephant sale on Friday and Saturday. Great job Team !
Up with Downs Veggie Garden
Ferdi Rowan's green fingers have created a beautiful and nourishing vegetable patch at the Up with Downs facility in Blanco. many thanks Ferdi .
2014 Rotary Golf day
Click on image to enlarge Once again our Rotary Golf day organisers Daleen Rowe and our President Di pulled out all the stops and we had an amazing Golf day project on Sunday. $$$$Crooge is still counting the shekels, but we are sure that the project was a financially successful one . Thanks to all of you that assisted and supported. Great Project.
Bethesda's kitchen is Done !
Click on image to enlarge Bethesda’ Bolton/George Kitchen Upgrade is Finished .
Grand Opening held on 29th October 2014.
Click on image to enlarge NGO GAMES 2014
A Great Success !! Thanks Rotarians and Bethesda Staff for making the 2014 Games Great !
Magazine Harvest : WRRA
Click on image to enlarge Magazine Harvest! WRRA Literacy Project.
Pay your precious magazine collection forward to fuel literacy and self-esteem.
The WRRA has joined forces with the Rotary Club of George’s Magazine Harvest literacy project. Rotary’s Magazine Harvest recycles your gently read magazines to new readers – feeding kids and families hungry to read.
Recycling magazines to new readers addresses both environmental and literacy needs. A magazine harvest works like a holiday food drive, but feeds hungry readers. Surplus magazines that would otherwise be discarded and destroyed are distributed to schools, aftercare centers, old age homes and hospital wards in the greater George community.
Please drop off your old magazines and books at the Wilderness Tourist office and Rotary will do the rest.
Puff Puff 2014
Click on image to enlarge Our annual Joint service Club Puff Puff Project saw some 50 odd old timers enjoy a morning of tea, cakes and a ride up to George Peak on the Outeniqua Train Museum's Puff Puff Power van. Moths , Round Tablers , Lions , Vryburghers and Rotarians were all well represented as workers and hosts to the folk from various retirement and old age homes in the George Community. Great Project .
Bethesda Kitchen Project
Click on image to enlarge The Project is moving along nicely !Floors and brickwork done . Soon to be painted !
Woolworths Food Project
Click on image to enlarge Our Club's recent Paul Harris Sapphire recipient doing his food delivery to Rosemore . Well done Eddie Reppert !!
More Books and Mags
Click on image to enlarge 350 magazines and about 100 books were distributed this month in our Club's ongoing magazine project. Many thank to all who donated books and magazines. In particular to Rtn Melvin Rose , who donated 100 books for distribution to RLR library and the SPCA. Seen here is Sasha Vakis , a pupil from Glenwood High, who assisted in the distribution of the books and magazines to RLR, SPCA , Rosemore old Age Home, Thanda Jesu after care centre, Bethesda for their wards and to Helen Grant for her Imizamo Yethyu school library. See the gallery for more pics.
Bethesda Kitchen Project
Click on image to enlarge The Bethesda Kitchen Project will begin on Monday 18th when the existing kitchen will be moved to a temporary home. Seen here are the Bethesda management Team at the Friday "site meeting" . Next time they will all be knee deep in building rubble as the new kitchen takes shape. Rtn David Sammut of RC Bolton , Ontario is looking forward to seeing pictures of the project in action. Watch this space
Linen for Rosemore & Moreson
Click on image to enlarge PP Eddie Reppert and Robin Robertson recently brought back a huge haul of linen and towels for Rosemore and Moreson . The linen was supplied by the Westin Hotel in cape Town and arranged through the District 9350 office in Cape Town . Thanks to all !!!
Bolton RC Bethesda
Click on image to enlarge The Rotary Club of Bolton's cash has finally come through. President of Rotary Club of George , President Di Kershaw had the pleasure of handing over a cheque to an ecstatic Bethesda Team. More details in next week’s Bulletin.
DataDot Blows Rotary away
Click on image to enlarge DataDot Technology SA’s Andy Blew ‘blows’ Rotary away
At a recent George Rotary Club meeting, held at the George Golf Club, DataDot Technology SA’s Executive Director; Andy Blew gave an interesting talk to the George Rotarians about DataDot, its products, values,vision and how DataDot has become involved in the community in George and elsewhere in South Africa.
A socio project called Dot What U Got, organized through DataDot Technology’s enterprise development arm; Ishishini Lethu, has seen nearly 10 000 households in Thembalethu receive free microdot kits, allowing residents to mark their valuables and give these items an identity. This form of crime deterrence has had a significant positive impact on the localzones that were micro-dotted. The project has also seen the training and up-skilling of previously unemployed residents of Thembalethu to be the project area ‘Experts’, responsible for explaining the microdot concept to the community and assist them with the dotting and registering of their valuables onto the database.
The Dot What U Got project for Nyanga in Cape Town rolled out on Tuesday 17 June 2014, with further projects planned for KwaMashu in Durban later this year.
He rounded off his talk by congratulating George Rotary Club on the community service projects the Club are involved in and then simply “Blew” Rotary away with a donation from DataDot of R10 000 to put toward one of our many community service projects.
Seen here are Andy Blew handing Past President Donald Goldfain a cheque for R10 000.
Outeniqua Learners
Click on image to enlarge The Early Act Club in Outeniqua Primary School has successfully completed its latest project - the laying of a garden on the school grounds and the painting of refuse bins in the school’s colours. Early Act is an organization for primary school learners sponsored by the international Rotary service organization, and supported by the local Rotary Club. "Respect and responsibility are key values in our school", comments school principal Johan Smit, "and we see this initiative in our school as contributing to a culture of respect for yourself, respect for those around you and taking responsibility for your environment."
Support for the project has been overwhelming with parents donating plants, compost and a garden pot. Parents also assisted with the painting of the bins, the digging and the planting. "I am so proud of our Early Actors, their very supportive parents and the hard work they all put in", enthuses Ms Amanda Hattingh, the coordinating teacher, "and I am very excited about our future projects together."
George Rotary Club President Mike Tacke says that it is a privilege for his club to be associated with the Outeniqua Primary Early Act Club. "Our motto is service above self", he says, "and we see this personified in these young people who represent the future. We need leaders like them in our country."
On the accompanying photo the Outeniqua Primary Early Actors proudly display the results of their labours.
Magazine Project Opportunity
Click on image to enlarge Subject: Dictionaries
Once again, thanks for all Rotary’s sterling work and the great text books for the Imizamo Yethu school library. I, for one, really appreciate the work Rotary are doing and I know, because I see every time I am at the school, how much the magazines are used and appreciated by both the learners and some teachers, who ask for them for source material.
You asked me to remind you dictionaries, so here is your reminder!
As I said to you, it would be my dream that every English second language learner in South Africa, who has to study and write their exams in that language could be provided with a dictionary. Especially those in the lower economic demographic. Can we try and start with 1,600 learners at Imizamo Yethu ???
Best wishes
( Text Books donated by Rotarian Wayne Hodgson)
Health Day 2014 :Lawaaikamp
Click on image to enlarge George Rotary Club held it's Rotary Health Day at Lawaaikamp on Saturday 29th March 2014.
The Department of Health , CANSA , SANCA , Options and Mental Health were represented and gave immunisations and advice to those that attended the clinic.
From a Rotary perspective , the day was not as successful as we would have hoped , but DOH were happy with the outcome. See the Picture gallery for more pics.
Cansa Walk 2014
Click on image to enlarge A Team of George Rotarians , carbo-loaded and fueled by York High Interact “pannekoek” Team represented our Club at this year’s CANSA Walk held at Carpe Diem school on Saturday 15th March 2014. Well organized Rotarian Trevor Nezar !
Health Day Test Run Two
Click on image to enlarge In preparation for the month end Rotary Health Day Project, the Club’s Community Service Team went
Immunization excursion with Sister Elizabeth Claasen of Dept of Health. There is an urgent need for the Dept to take the immunization to the streets and suburbs of the poorer George community, because so many of the young mothers work and cannot get their children to the Clinic during normal business hours.
Health Day 2014 Test Run
Click on image to enlarge An advance party of George Rotarians set up a Trial Health Day kiosk at Thembalethu Mall on Saturday morning 1st March. We needed to test the venue for our George Rotary/ Dept of Health Health Day scheduled for 29th of March. Based on the response we had here , we have decided to opt for the Community Hall at Lawaai Kamp in George instead. Pictured here are three of the Rotarians on duty then . No prizes for working out who was in charge !
Click on image to enlarge The Sergeant will do his Duty.................
A LARGE empty Editorial Space in the Bulletin !
Oy Vey !!
OCC 2014
Click on image to enlarge Smiles Smiles Smiles Smiles Smiles
Rotary Old Car Show Bar 2014
Click on image to enlarge Thanks to fantastic sponsorship from South African Breweries , George Rotary Club were once again able to run the 2014 Old Car Show Bar . Funds raised will be spent in the George community.
Click on image to enlarge ALL HANDS ON DECK !!
Saturday 8th February 2014.
Check the BAR DUTY schedule on the website .
Main Web Page , Bottom right !
Santa Flight 2013
Click on image to enlarge The joint George Service Club's annual Santa Flight project for 2013 was a flying away success !! 104 excited youngsters had what for many of them will be, a once in a lifetime experience. Once again, Lions, Moths, Vryburghers, Round Table and Ladies Circle all put their shoulders to the wheel and made this project a roaring success. Well done to the organising Team and special thanks to all those “Non-members” who came and assisted in marshalling , flying , medical backup and all the other jobs that needed to be done . Great project and we all look forward to the next SANTA FLIGHT in 2014 !
SPCA Woof-athon Nov 23 , 2013
Click on image to enlarge The Rotary Club of George and the NSRI assisted the SPCA in directing and watering the Hounds and Handlers at the recent woof-athon and Jamboree held by the SPCA in The Wilderness.
Successful fund raiser for the SPCA and we are happy to report that no puppy walkers got lost and no canines went thirsty. Well done TEAM !!
Click on image to enlarge Great Rotary Golf day on 10th November .
OCC 2014 R500,000 from ACSA
Click on image to enlarge *The organising committee of the 2014 Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge (OCC) received a R500 000 sponsorship from the George Airport on Friday, which enables them to balance their R1-million cash budget. The remainder of the budget is donated by the George Municipality together with a number of other sponsors. The OCC also launched its new logo that gives more prominence to the airport and municipality.
2013 10 Speech Compeition
Click on image to enlarge The 2013 George Rotary and Eden & Central Karoo Education district speech competition Final was held on Friday 4th October at Die Bult in George. As in previous years, the standard was very high and the Rotary Club of George congratulated the 18 winners in the various categories. Schools from all over the district were represented and Knysna High school walked off with 7 of the 18 awards. Thank you to the Rotarians who gave their support .Shown here are some of the excited winners and the Rotary Speech Competition convener Rtn Di Kershaw. Well done Di !!
2013 09 St Mary's Caddy
Click on image to enlarge George Rotariërs Vat Hande Met Bethesda
Onlangs het die Rotariërklub van George 'n nutsvoertuig ter waarde van R284 000 aan die Bethesda Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum (voorheen bekend as St Mary's) in Rosemore oorhandig vir gebruik as vervoermiddel vir leerders en staf. “Bethesda bied deur die Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum 'n essensiële diens aan weeskinders en kwesbare kinders in ons gemeenskap wat by wyse van hofbevel in die sentrum se sorg geplaas word”, sê George Rotariër-President Michael Tacke, “en ons is baie geëerd om op hierdie wyse met hul werksaamhede geassosieer te word. Op daaglikse basis voorsien die sentrum deur 'n verskeidenheid programme in die fisiese, emosionele, sosiale en opvoedkundige behoeftes van hierdie sowat 45 kinders."
Die projek is deur die George-Rotariërs as internasionale samewerkingstoekenning geloods. Dit het ‘n vennootskap behels met die Rotariërklubs van Gloucester, Gloucester Quays, Pantiles en Sutton Coldfield Vesey, almal in die Verenigde Koninkryk. Die vyf klubs se bydraes is verder deur die Internasionale Rotariër-Stigting aangevul om die R284 000 op te maak wat nodig was vir die aankoop van die voertuig..
Die voertuig is as nutsvoertuig geskik vir die vervoer van personeel en kinders, sowel as die transportering van toerusting en voorrade.
“’n Internasionale samewerkingstoekenning is ‘n besonder kragtige instrument om ‘n spesifieke behoefte in die gemeenskap aan te spreek”, meen Mnr Tacke “omdat aansienlike finansiële hulp die area inkom waarvan slegs ‘n fraksie van die koste plaaslik gedra word.” Vorige internasionale samewerkingstoekenings van die George Rotariërs sluit in 'n nuwe seereddingsvaartuig vir die NSRI, spesiaal aangepaste rolstoele vir die kinders by die Dagsorgsentrum van die Vereniging vir Liggaamlik Gestremdes, rekenaars vir die Tyholora Laerskool in Thembalethu en gespesialiseerde mediese toerusting vir die George Hospitaal.
Die toerusting is namens die Bethesda Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum deur Me Madelein Meyer, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van die Hospies in ontvangs geneem, wat die Rotariërs vir hul bydrae tot die gemeenskap bedank het.
“Die Rotariërs bly toegewyd tot die behoeftes van die George gemeenskap”, sê Mnr Tacke. “Ons leuse is Diens bo Eiebelang, en ons hoop om baie meer te doen vir diegene in nood. Ons het 'n groot verantwoordelikheid.”
Op die meegaande foto is van links na regs Michael Tacke, President van die George Rotariërklub, Ds Michiel Burger van Bethesda se raad van trustees, Wilhelm van der Vyver, Rotariër en Projekbestuurder, Marzanne Cillié, Arbeidsterapeut by Bethesda en Madelein Meyer, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Bethesda.
2013 09 Salinas Rosemore Old A
Click on image to enlarge Thanks to a kind donation to the Rotary Club of George by Massimo Marrioti of SALINAS, one of Wilderness’s great restaurants, residents in the Rotary Rosemore Old Age Home’s frail care facility will now get their hot meals rolled in on a stainless steel industrial catering trolley .
Seen here from left to right are Rosemore staff Hendrik van Wyk and September Fortuin and Wilderness resident and WRRA committee member, Trevor White, who kindly transported the unit to the Old Age Home for the Rotary Club.
The Rotary Club of George is actively supporting a number of initiatives in the Wilderness area . If you are interested in becoming a part of the Rotary Club of George , please contact Donald Goldfain at Donald@thebranchoffice.co.za.
2013 09 Ballarat Q-Drums
Click on image to enlarge The Rotary Club of George, South Africa and The Rotary Club of Ballarat, Australia donated 40 Q-Drums www.qdrum.co.za/ to the community of George, Western Cape, to assist in transporting clean potable water to their homes from communal taps
12 September 2013
2013 05 Family Health Day
In conjunction with the National Health Department, Rotary Clubs throughout South Africa participated in The Family Health day campaign and here in George, The Rotary Club of George held a successful clinic at Thembalethu on 11th May 2013 and drew over 400 people on the day for counseling on family planning, screening for illnesses such as HIV/ Aids, diabetes and high blood pressure. This project will become an annual national Rotary project.
2013 08 Wheelchairs
Click on image to enlarge 2013 08 Wheelchairs
2013 05 Rotary Africa
Click on image to enlarge 2013 05 Rotary Africa
2013 05 Lyttleton
Click on image to enlarge 2013 05 Lyttleton
2013 05 Health day 2
Click on image to enlarge Four hundred visit Rotary Family Health Day.
GEORGE NEWS - Rotary George held a successful Family Health Day in Thembalethu on Saturday.
It formed part of the service organisation's annual international Family Health Days campaign which was held at 180 sites in South Africa for the first time. The site in Thembalethu drew about 400 people, according to Donald Goldfain, president of Rotary George. "We had hoped for about 1 000 people, but we are satisfied nonetheless. We can only grow from this, our first Health Day ever in George."
Services rendered at the clinic held at the community hall in the heart of Thembalethu included family planning, screening for illnesses such as HIV/Aids, TB, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as immunisation of children against measles and polio. In the two days before the clinic, crèches were also visited for immunisation sessions.
Through the Family Health Days campaign, conducted in conjunction with the National Health Department, primary healthcare services are brought to the community's doorstep for a short period in order to create awareness of preventative healthcare. Professional nursing staff of the department was dispatched to the various sites for the day.
The campaign also furthers the department's aim to improve the healthcare delivery systems in the country.
2013 05 Health day 1
Click on image to enlarge Free health screening in Thembalethu.
EORGE NEWS - The Rotary Family Health Days kick off in George on Thursday 9 May.
Following this, on Saturday 11 May, a free clinic for the whole family will be held at the Thembalethu Community Hall from 08:00 till 13:00 where health screening tests and immunisation of little ones will be done.
Thembalethu is one of 180 sites countrywide where free health services will be offered as part of the Rotary Family Health Days campaign. It is an international campaign of Rotary that has been extended for the first time ever to South Africa in co-operation with the Department of Health, Coca-Cola and the SABC.
The campaign runs over three days, from 9 to 11 May.
On Saturday, the free services at the Thembalethu Community Hall will include testing and counselling for HIV/Aids, screening for TB, diabetes as well as blood pressure, family planning, polio and measles vaccination, de-worming and the dispensing of vitamin A tablets.
The hours are from 08:00-13:00 and there will be a jumping castle, ice lollies, suckers and chips for the children who are immunised.
25 nursing sisters from the Department of Health will be manning the centre, assisted by about a dozen rotarians.
2013 05 Awards 3
Click on image to enlarge Rotary honours renal unit champions
GEORGE NEWS - The George Provincial Hospital Renal Unit is the only state run renal unit between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth and there are currently 37 renal patients undergoing specialised treatment at this life saving unit.
The dedication and expertise of the people manning the dialysis machines keep the patients in good health until they are able to receive a donor kidney. It is emotionally draining and requires special inner strength, kindness and a passion for their calling.
At a recent Rotary Club meeting, Club President Donald Goldfain was privileged to recognise the nursing staff represented by Sisters Maria Petersen and Maureen Ruiters for their unstinting work at the unit.
The exemplary record of the unit is due in large part to the leadership of Dr Marinda Smit and her passion to give patients only the best treatment and guidance. In the last seven years Dr Smit has successfully organised 23 living donor kidney transplants. She is also responsible for the care of the 36 patients that have had kidney transplants and live in the Eden District.
The George Rotary Club awarded Dr Smit with a Paul Harris Award for her service to this group of renal patients in the George community. This Rotary Award is made to outstanding men and women who live up to the Rotary motto of "Service above Self" within their community and Dr Smit now joins the ranks of other Rotary awardees such as Nelson Mandela, Raymond Ackerman, Ester Watson and Nicole Rimbault, to name a few.
2013 05 Awards 2
Click on image to enlarge 2013 05 Awards 2
2013 05 Awards 1
Click on image to enlarge Group Editors Director lauded.
GEORGE NEWS - Group Editors Operations Director Nicole Rimbault (née Moolman), has joined the likes of Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, George Bizos, FW de Klerk and Raymond Ackerman when she was bestowed with one of the highest accolades from Rotary, the Paul Harris Award.
Rimbault is one of eight (four non-Rotarians and four Rotarians) who were honoured during the Rotary Annual Awards function on Tuesday evening at the George Golf Club.
The non-Rotarians are Ansie Swart, operational manager at Telkom and Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge (OCC) organiser; Esther Watson, founder of the OCC; Nicole Rimbault; and Yvette van Wijk, the driving force behind the Garden Route Botanical Gardens. The Rotarians who were also named Paul Harris Fellows are Martin Reinmann, manager at Step-Aside Conference Centre; Pastor Jenny Becker, retired George Airport manager and past president of the George Rotary Club; Donald Goldfain, businessman and president of the Rotary Club George; and Andrew Jeffery, senior partner in Mizaars George.
"This award is a Rotary internal award in which Rotary recognises individuals for making a substantial and tangible contribution towards the betterment of the community," said George Rotary Club President, Donald Goldfain "We as Rotarians of George honour you, Nicky [Nicole] for the way you have led the newspaper in concern for the community of George. We note that every single service club and community-orientated charity has your absolute support," said Charles Rowe, club secretary.
"The Paul Harris Award accompanies a donation of $1 000 or more by the sponsoring club, in the recipient's name, to Rotary Foundation, which supports Rotary's worldwide programmes," explained Gold-
"Nicole Rimbault is hereby named a Paul Harris Fellow in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world," reads the certificate.
2013 04 Dreamscape Dance Tour
Click on image to enlarge Rotary brings UCT School of Dance to Southern Cape.
SOUTHERN CAPE NEWS - In aid of the various local charities they support, the Rotary club is presenting a dance production by the UCT Dance School.
The production, Dancescape, will be hosted at the Mossel Bay Town Hall on Tueday, 19 March at 19:30. Dancescapes – an exciting mixed bill of dances, includes new choreographic work by Maxwell Rani and Dame Mavis Becker. The 14-member tour group includes young dancers of Classical ballet, Spanish Dance, African Dance and Contemporary dance fusion.
Gerard Samuel, the school's proud director, noted, "I am delighted that students will have an opportunity to showcase their diverse skills to a wider audience, one that is outside of Cape Town. "Their hard work deserves to be seen in what can only be described as win-win situation. Audiences can expect an evening of light-hearted and serious dance works.
There is truly something for everyone in this year's programme."
This tour of the Southern Cape, including the Arts Theatre in George on Thursday, 21 March, marks a second round of partnership with Samuel and the Rotary Clubs of the Southern Cape, who have been generous in their outreach towards the local community.
"The tour by UCT offers Rotary greater opportunity to continue its philanthropic work," said Past District Governor Rodney Mazinter. In partnership with the Rotary Clubs of the Southern Cape, this lively programme includes dynamic, and thought-provoking work by members of the teaching staff and talented students.
Dance workshops at local schools are also available on request. Interested teachers should contact UCT School of Dance by 8 March to book this skills based activity for their learners. Tickets costs R60 for adults and children under 12 years pay only R30 for any performance. Discounts for block bookings may be discussed with individual Rotary clubs.
Bookings can be done through local Rotary Clubs: Mossel Bay at 082 779 4497 and George at 044 874 3142. Tickets will be on sale at the venues. Patrons are encouraged to collect and pay for all tickets 30 minutes prior to the performance to avoid disappointment.
2013 02 OCC 4
Click on image to enlarge Update: Saved OCC 'top class'.
GEORGE NEWS - The annual Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge was once again a huge success with about 950 people with physical disabilities flocking to George from all over the country to be part of this truly unique event.
This is the 11th year that the OCC gives these dedicated athletes free rein of the city's two main streets for a few hours, but the 2013 race was almost cancelled when race founder and coordinator, Esther Watson took ill.
According to Ansie Swart, race co-ordinator, over 1 000 people volunteered in some way or another to make the race possible.
Swart, who took over the reins from Watson as co-ordinator of this year's OCC, was well pleased. "I am excited with how it all went and am thankful for the amazing assistance of all the wonderful volunteers and the Rotarians, as well as for the generosity of our sponsors. It was extremely hard work, but seeing all the participants together and how they enjoy it, is just such a reward."
2013 02 Nedbank
Click on image to enlarge 2013 02 Nedbank
2012 12 Santa Flight
Click on image to enlarge GEORGE NEWS - A group of over 60 children took to the skies in a landmark project which brought together eight different service clubs - the first of its kind in South Africa, and perhaps even in the world.
The Santa Flight was the first big project to be done by the Eden Lions Club, the George Lions Club, George Round Table, George Rotary Club, Vryburgers, the MOTHS, the Garden Route Ladies Circle and even the Holy Cross LEO Club. The careful planning under the project lea-dership of Lion Rick Clutton, together with the good camaraderie and shared passion, was a key factor in making the project a huge success and one to be repeated on an even bigger scale in 2012.
"The bonds which were forged amongst the Service Clubs in this project will be felt for many years to come by the people of George as they benefit from this united force against poverty," says Van Blerk. "We would encourage more people to make enquiries as to how they too can become a part of the work being done by the Service Clubs by simply making contact with the club of their choice, not only in George, but right across South Africa."
For more information on the Service Clubs or if you would like to be a part of The Santa Flight 2012, please contact Lion Carl van Blerk on 082 826 0731 or email pro@edenlions.org.za.
2012 11 SPCA Woof-athon
Click on image to enlarge 2012 11 SPCA Woof-athon
2012 11 Rotary Africa
Click on image to enlarge 2012 11 Rotary Africa
2012 10 SPCA Mr Suit Hire
Click on image to enlarge 2012 10 SPCA Mr Suit Hire
2012 10 Rotary Africa
Click on image to enlarge 2012 10 Rotary Africa
2012 10 OCC 3
Click on image to enlarge OCC 2013 se wiele weer stewig op die pad.
EORGE SPORT NUUS - Sedert sy beskeie ontstaan in 2002 toe 27 rolstoelatlete aan 'n wedren teen die Outeniquapas af deelgeneem het, het die Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge 'n gewilde geleentheid op die nasionale en internasionale kalenders vir gestremde atlete geword.
Na sprake dat die wedren van 2013 uitgestel sou word, het George se stads-raad en George Rotariërs betrokke geraak om te help verseker dat die wedren steeds op 16 Februarie 2013 sal plaasvind.
Enkele kleiner borge het egter onttrek en daar is nou geleentheid vir nuwe ondersteuners om met hierdie gewilde toeriste-attraksie verbind te word. Een duisend en vyftig inskrywings word vir OCC 2013 verwag.
2012 10 OCC 2
Click on image to enlarge Update: OCC back on track.
GEORGE NEWS - George Mayor, Charles Standers has taken control and revived the flagship Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge. At a meeting of all the roleplayers on Friday, Standers announced that the 2013 OCC will indeed be going ahead.
Ansie Swart will step in as the organising coordinator for the event and has served on the committee for many years with Esther Watson, the Director and main organiser. Watson is recovering in a Cape Town clinic after a successful bone marrow transplant.
Swart said the 2013 race will be for Watson and that the organising committee which had dropped from 13 to 5 members, will be augmented by volunteers from Council, ACSA and the George Rotary Club. Swart added that those volunteers that had resigned, have indicated that they will be available to 'shadow' the new committee members if required.
Brenda Vorster, George Airport Manager and main sponsor was thrilled that the event is going ahead.
2012 10 Bethesda Oxygen
Click on image to enlarge 2012 10 Bethesda Oxygen
2012 09 Puff Puff
Click on image to enlarge 2012 09 Puff Puff
2012 09 OCC 1
Click on image to enlarge Rotary behind Wheelchair Challenge.
GEORGE NEWS - Within hours of the George Herald appearing on the streets last week shocked citizens rallied together to save the Outeniqua Wheel Chair Challenge (OCC) from being cancelled for next year.
The George Herald broke the news last week that the OCC committee has decided to place the OCC on ice as its main organiser, Esther Watson is, due to illness, not available. In response the President of the George Rotary Club, Donald Goldfain, said that the event must be saved for the benefit of the participants and the community.
Marita Swanepoel, Deputy Director of the organizing committee said she had many phone calls from Georgians pledging their support and encouraging the committee to reconsider its position. The two main factors that led to the crucial decision were Watson's non-availability and that some of the committee members had indicated that they would be stepping down to make way for the next generation to take the OCC forward.
At a mayoral committee meeting last week Wednesday, the Mayor, Charles Standers read a letter from the Board of the Disabled Road Race Foundation in which they asked that next year's race be cancelled. Standers said that he hoped the race would continue, if not next year definitely the following year.
"Everything is in place from the municipality side," he said and stressed that the 2013 cancellation was definitely not a municipal decision.
The George Rotary Club wrote a letter to the Mayor pledging its support to save the OCC and a delegation from Rotary and members of the OCC organising committee met last weekend.
The Rotary Club is willing to assist the committee and interface with the municipality to ensure continuity. Goldfain added that they will support Ansie Swart, who has served on the committee for many years, if she should take the lead in organizing the event. We will help with "our expertise, experience and most importantly, the ability to use our other Clubs for assistance and guidance. You may be aware that the Cape Argus Cycle Race was started and is still run by Rotary".
ACSA, a major sponsor of the event, has indicated that they will nominate people onto the Board to strengthen the expertise and fill the void left by those who are resigning.
Mayor Standers said that he is currently facilitating a series of meetings to ensure that by Friday he should be in a position to give the 2013 race the thumbs up.
2012 08 Lapdesks
Click on image to enlarge 2012 08 Lapdesks
2012 07 Induction
Click on image to enlarge 2012 07 Induction
2012 05 Rotary Africa
Click on image to enlarge 2012 05 Rotary Africa
2012 03 Rotary Africa
Click on image to enlarge 2012 03 Rotary Africa
2012 03 RLR
Click on image to enlarge 2012 03 RLR
2012 02 Wheelchairs 2
Click on image to enlarge 2012 02 Wheelchairs 2
2012 02 Wheelchairs 1
Click on image to enlarge 2012 02 Wheelchairs 1
2012 02 Speech Comp 1
Click on image to enlarge 2012 02 Speech Comp 1
2012 01 Zenzele Ballarat
Click on image to enlarge 2012 01 Zenzele Ballarat
2011 12 Santa Fllight 2
Click on image to enlarge The Santa Flight.
GEORGE NEWS - If you looked to the skies over George and listened carefully last weekend, you would be forgiven to say you heard the faint sounds of laughter and joy being carried in the wind - perhaps you would even have heard a ‘HO-HO-HO’ or two!
A group of over 60 children took to the skies in a landmark project which brought together eight different service clubs - the first of its kind in South Africa, and perhaps even in the world.
The Santa Flight co-ordinating committee started negotiating with role players in June this year, in order to establish a Christmas party unlike anything done before. "We wanted to create lifelong memories so that children who experienced this party, would be able to carry the joy and uniqueness of the experience for the rest of their lives," says George Service Clubs PRO Carl van Blerk.
The people of George have experienced the kindness and generosity of a number of service clubs for many years, each working to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, comfort the sick and lend a helping hand when the need arises.
According to Van Blerk, many of the members of these clubs have been working hard over the past two years to bring the clubs together and to offer services to the needy on a united front. The clubs will not lose their individual identity, as each will continue with their signature projects, but will also come together on a regular basis to bring strength in numbers to identified projects.
The Santa Flight was the first big project to be done by the Eden Lions Club, the George Lions Club, George Round Table, George Rotary Club, Vryburgers, the MOTHS, the Garden Route Ladies Circle and even the Holy Cross LEO Club. The careful planning under the project lea-dership of Lion Rick Clutton, together with the good camaraderie and shared passion, was a key factor in making the project a huge success and one to be repeated on an even bigger scale in 2012.
The 10th of December began like any other day, except with an unusual amount of excitement in the air around the George
Airport - security and safety briefings were of the utmost importance as all volunteers and crew began their briefing at midday.
Four light aircraft, sponsored for the day by pilot and Rotarian Philip Gibbs, pilot Carl Basson as well as the George Flight Training College were fuelled, ready and waiting. Huge thanks need to go out to the staff and students from the Flight Training College for their support and expertise on the day, as well as to the Airports Company of South Africa, under George Airport manager Brenda Moses, who waived all airport fees.
All that was needed now were the children - at 14:00 the invited passengers started arriving ... 63 children in total were about to have an experience of a lifetime!
Each child was treated to a 15-minute flight around the skies over George. Pilot Philip Gibbs recalls hearing one child making saying: "This is the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life!"
The day didn't end after the flights - all the guests were treated to party refreshments and enjoyed the arrival of Santa himself together with a host of elves who handed out gifts personally addressed to each child.
"The bonds which were forged amongst the Service Clubs in this project will be felt for many years to come by the people of George as they benefit from this united force against poverty," says Van Blerk. "We would encourage more people to make enquiries as to how they too can become a part of the work being done by the Service Clubs by simply making contact with the club of their choice, not only in George, but right across South Africa."
For more information on the Service Clubs or if you would like to be a part of The Santa Flight 2012, please contact Lion Carl van Blerk on 082 826 0731 or email pro@edenlions.org.za.
2011 12 Santa Fllight 1
Click on image to enlarge 2011 12 Santa Fllight 1
2011 10 Global Handwashing Day
Click on image to enlarge 2011 10 Global Handwashing Day 2
2011 10 Global Handwashing Day
Click on image to enlarge 2011 10 Global Handwashing Day 1
2011 06 Zenzele
Click on image to enlarge Rotary can make a difference.
GEORGE NEWS - In March 2011 a visiting Australian Rotarian, Pauline Hall from The Rotary Club of Ballarat South in Australia, made contact with The Rotary Club of George with the view of becoming involved in a Joint Rotary Project to assist the ZenZele Blanco Community Project and today they can rejoice in a project successfully done.
At the same time the George Rotary was already assisting ZenZele by supplying tables, chairs, work benches and, in conjunction with Frank Balanco of The Bolton Food for Life Foundation, gave much needed extra assistance to the five year old ZenZele food kitchen based in the Child Welfare’s Safe House in Montague Street, Blanco.
Zenzele needed extra rooms to house the aftercare children in the afternoons and the Rotary Club of Ballarat South has provided the money to supply a converted shipping container for this purpose. George Rotary has agreed to assist and implement the project and today, through the kind assistance of Michael Vincent of Golnix and Pieter Greef of Valley Container Hire, the converted container was delivered and placed on site at the Safe House.
Although the container is ready for immediate use, the George Rotarians will be refurbishing the interior further early in 2012. This container project clearly illustrates how Rotary Clubs the world over become involved in joint international projects, no matter how big or small and how Rotary can and does make a difference.
If anyone would like to assist in any way with this Joint Australian and South African Rotary Project, email Rotarian Donald Goldfain at donald@thebranchoffice.co.za.
2011 05 Safari Lapdesks
Click on image to enlarge 2011 05 Safari Lapdesks
2011 05 Dictionaries
Click on image to enlarge 2011 05 Dictionaries
2011 04 Lapdesks
Click on image to enlarge George Rotary Club helps improve learning conditions.
GEORGE NEWS - The George Rotary Club is on a mission to improve learning conditions in local Eden and Central Karoo schools.
As part of their Education focus in 2011, aim to provide Lapdesks for 3 100 previously disadvantaged students in George and immediate surrounds by 2012.
The objective is to eradicate classroom desk shortages affecting learning conditions of children by supplying portable desks.
It can be used by any child, against their body and has an effective writing surface, whether they be sitting under a tree at a rural school or in a classroom without desks.
"I was a barefoot township urchin. I went to a school where there were no desks. That was sixty years ago. Sadly for so many of our children, the situation has not changed.
"I am thrilled to see the Lapdesk and the difference it is making to our children," said Desmond Tutu, endorsing the Lapdesk project.
Ms Alta Raath, Head of Curriculum Co-ordination and Advice in the Eden and Central Karoo Education District conduc-ted a needs analysis and it was soon realised that there is a great demand for desks in the area.
The district has an annual huge influx of learners from the Eastern Cape and inland provinces.
This cannot be determined at the end of the year due to the fact that parents decide to move to the area during the December holidays.
This causes a shortage of desks at the beginning of the year.
Throughout the year intervention programmes are set to support learners either with barriers to learning or to stimulate gifted learners.
Often these groups are small and are taken in a seperate space where desks are not always at hand.
In the Foundation Phase teachers devide their classes into groups and work with these groups separately on the carpet in front of the class. In these exercises they need to write and find it difficult to do this on their laps.
Rotary is funding this project through several local fundraising activities. They are also able to receive matching grants from Rotary Clubs around the world.
Lapdesks’ size, durability and portability, means that elected logo’s, brands of CSI initiatives will receive sustained exposure to multiple audiences over a long period of time.
2011 04 Boere Wors Rolls
Click on image to enlarge 2011 04 Boere Wors Rolls
2011 03 George Hospital
Click on image to enlarge 2011 03 George Hospital
2011 02 Bolton Harry Comay
Click on image to enlarge 2011 02 Bolton Harry Comay
2011 01 Bolton Soup Kitchen
Click on image to enlarge 2011 01 Bolton Soup Kitchen
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