Rotary recognizes service to the community
The George Rotary Club has awarded its prestigious Paul Harris Recognition to three community service minded Georgians on Tuesday 9 June 2015.
Rotary President Di Kershaw was delighted to award Rotary’s highest award for community service excellence to Helen Grant, who for the past 5 years, twice a week, voluntarily manned the library at Imizamo Yethu High School in Thembalethu, transforming it from an unused room into a living library.
The Paul Harris Recognition was also awarded to Harold Basson, Director Civil Engineering Services at the George Municipality for his dedication to ensuring that “George is a city where everything works.”
The third award, the Paul Harris Sapphire Recognition was made to Rotarian and Past President Charles Rowe a recipient of the Paul Harris Recognition in the past is further affirmation of his commitment to the George community. He has been the club secretary for 9 years and is known by fellow Rotarians for his four word answer to any question asked, “yes, it is done.” Charles has also dedicatedly mentored the York High Interact Club for the past 25 years.
Rotary George handed over a cheque of R11 000 to Hennie Niehaus station commander of the NSRI Wilderness so that the NSRI can make a few small changes to an organization that already runs like clockwork.
Kershaw said “Rotary is proud to be associated with these upstanding and committed people who give their time to our community so freely.”
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