CPR Beach Awareness Campaign
20/2//12/2Click on image to enlarge As part of the Blue Flag programme’s education and awareness requirements, the Eden (Garden Route) District Municipality arranged for the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) to demonstrate a sea rescue exercise at the Wilderness Blue Flag Beach on Saturday, 22 December 2017 and the 5th January 2018. The purpose of the demonstrations was to create awareness amongst the public about the risks that rip currents pose to swimmers and to educate the public on what to do if they find themselves in potential dangerous situations. The rescue team will demonstrate an exciting sea rescue attempt after which a CPR demonstration will be given. Educating the public on essential lifesaving skills can potentially avert the loss of lives through drowning.
After the NSRI demonstrations the Eden District Municipality and the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) Tourism Blue Flag beach stewards will distribute information brochures on the beach as part of its environmental education activities. Amongst other strict requirements, the environmental education of visitors to the beach is a requirement of Blue Flag status. The success of the 2017/18 Blue Flag season depended on various stakeholders whose dedication and commitment throughout the season ensures a successful and save Blue Flag season. Some of the stakeholders involved are the Eden (Garden Route) District Municipality, WESSA, South African National Parks (SANParks), George Municipality, the Wilderness Ratepayers and Residents Association, and George Rotary Club amongst others.
Eden Kite Festival 2019
20/4//12/1Click on image to enlarge George, Garden Route (Dec 2019) – The 5th Eden Kite Festival 2019 will be a four-day event from 13 to 16 December to be held in George and Knysna. The event has attracted 25 kiters; 11 from across South Africa and 14 as well as 7 countries from as far afield as Scandinavia, Europe, Asia, and Southern Africa.
Despite the growth, the Festival will remain true to the principles upon which it was founded in 2015.
It remains a unique family-focused outdoor celebration, not just for children but for all ages to enjoy. However, it promises to wow spectators even more than it did over the last four years!
With the support of the Rotary Club George and Rotary Club Knysna, the event will continue to aid Masithandane’s Bursary Fund, ensuring disadvantaged children can attend school by providing transport, stationery, clothing, and toiletries.
Santa Flights 2018
20/8//12/0Click on image to enlarge GEORGE AIRPORT - Once again we brought ALL the George Service Clubs together to carry out this unique Christmas project to benefit the youth of George. – all the planning, meetings and coordinating was made worthwhile, after seeing the delighted faces and hearing comments such as this one from a child just coming off his flight; “This is the most amazing day of my whole life!” Santa and his band of merry helpers from Six service clubs, including Rotary and interactors toiled away in the midday sun at the George airport on Saturday 8th December, organising the Santa Flights, catering and entertainment for 75 excited youngsters,It was a day of special happenings for the kids: paintball, tombola, face-painting and colour hair-spray, ball games presented by Living Ball, jumping castles and all kinds of yummy treats to eat and drink. Each kid received a specially made "ticket" which allowed them to board their planes.
Children were given rides in dream sports cars.
George is the only town in South Africa that does such a project and it is also the only project in the world where six different service clubs come together to do a community project of this nature. • The clubs involved are: Round Table, MOTH, Rotary, Eden Lions, Ladies Circle and Die Vryburgers of George. Rotary Interact (the junior club of Rotary) and the Holy Cross Leos (junior members of the Lions) help on the day with the games and proceedings.
York High Interact Club
20/3//12/0Click on image to enlarge The York High Interact Club had a Training/ Planning camp for their Board this past weekend – 3rd 4th Dec. For the first time in many years they did not hold the camp at a venue out of George but at the King George Hotel where they were able to get a very special deal through contacts. They were all accommodated and were able to use the hotels conference room. The planning weekend went well and a lot was achieved and the Board members all got to know each other better. They also got to have a group photograph with the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Thabo, who was in George for the weekend on church business and staying in the hotel.
Santa Flights 2023
20/2//12/0Another successful Joint Service Clubs of George Santa Flight. Over 100 children had a ride in a ”Muscle Car”, then a Motor Bike and then a flight over George in either a fixed wing plane or the Huey helicopter . After Boerie Rolls, Pancakes , jumping castles , face painting ,paintball target shooting and a Tombola pack of goodies , Father Xmas arrived in style and every child received a personalised carrier of presents. Finished the afternoon off with a tub of Ice Cream each ! Wow !!! Special thanks to all the Pilots and Drivers for safely making this a day to remember for theses lucky kids . Thanks to all the Service Club Volenteers and all those who donated their time, money and products to make this such an amazing Project !!
Santa Flights 2023
20/2//12/0Another successful Joint Service Clubs of George Santa Flight. Over 100 children had a ride in a ”Muscle Car”, then a Motor Bike and then a flight over George in either a fixed wing plane or the Huey helicopter . After Boerie Rolls, Pancakes , jumping castles , face painting ,paintball target shooting and a Tombola pack of goodies , Father Xmas arrived in style and every child received a personalised carrier of presents. Finished the afternoon off with a tub of Ice Cream each ! Wow !!! Special thanks to all the Pilots and Drivers for safely making this a day to remember for theses lucky kids . Thanks to all the Service Club Volenteers and all those who donated their time, money and products to make this such an amazing Project !!
Santa Flight 2019
20/0//11/3Click on image to enlarge A group of 75 kids from George received a very special Christmas treat when they were taken on a 15-minute aeroplane flight over George. This was the Ninth time that the annual “Santa flight” took place, arranged through the combined efforts of the six service clubs of George.
The project involves children from schools in and around George who have not flown in an aeroplane before, kids of all races who are currently disadvantaged. It entails close cooperation between the service clubs and schools in and around George over a period of a year, as children are motivated to qualify for the flight by performing well at school during the year.
It was a day of special happenings for the kids: paintball, tombola, face-painting and colour hair-spray, ball games presented by Living Ball, jumping castles and all kinds of yummy treats to eat and drink. Each kid received a specially made “ticket” which allowed them to board their planes. After lunch, Father Christmas made his appearance to hand over presents to all the kids, George is the only town in South Africa that does such a project and it is also the only project in the world where six different service clubs come together to do a community project of this nature. “So many George businesses that heard of this fantastic project over the years help to raise funds, find sponsorship and even help on the day. There is literally one adult for every kid on the day. Safety is of utmost importance and all rules are strictly enforced.”
The clubs involved are: Round Table George 30, M.O.T.H Outeniqua Shellhole, Rotary Club of George, Eden Lions, LC 20 Garden Route and Die Vryburgers of George. Rotary Interact (the junior club of Rotary) and the Holy Cross Leos (junior members of the Lions) help on the day with the games and proceedings.
Club Year End Function
20/0//11/3Click on image to enlarge The Club was superbly hosted at the rowan Home on Sunday. Not only did Ferdi and Ian have a beautifully set out lunch venue, a superbly prepared meal and a stunningly beautiful garden , but they were able to organise the most amazing weather. Well Done !!
Outeniqua Early act Project
20/9//11/2Click on image to enlarge Outeniqua Primary Learners Share Festive Spirit
Recently the Early Act Club at Outeniqua Primary School concluded their latest community service project. Early Act is sponsored at primary schools by the international Rotary service organization and promotes caring, respect, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, citizenship, compassion, friendship and leadership.
"A few years ago we became aware of the Wikkelwurms project at Bethesda", comments Amanda Hattingh, teacher and Early Act coordinator at Outeniqua Primary. "The initiative comprises a stimulation project for children with developmental delays from ages 2 to 6 years, with the children coming from disadvantaged families. Over the past few years we have on various occasions reached out to these very special children, and this year we again wanted to do something extraordinary for them. Our Early Actors proved to be more than able for the task."
The learners at the Early Act club, assisted by their parents, made festive hats, knitted angels, obtained backpacks with stationary, baked cakes, supplied a Christmas tree and arranged for other treats for the get-together. Sponsorships were also obtained from Total Sandkraal and the Reformed Church in George. On the day of the visit a group of approximately 40 Early Actors arrived at the Wikkelwurms area at Bethesda, handed over the cakes, and then played with the children in the play area. Special recognition was also given to the children who are now leaving to go to Grade R, and each child was given a party pack to take home.
“We view our learners as citizens in the making, and part of our responsibility includes awareness of the community which they form part of”, notes Johan Smit, principal of Outeniqua Primary, “and Early Act for us provides a forum for answering this call.”
“We are so proud to be associated with the Outeniqua Primary Early Actors,” enthuses Simon Swan, president of the George Rotary Club. “Their initiatives embody the leadership, compassion and community spirit our country needs.”
On the accompanying photos some of the EarlyActors can be seen playing with the Wikkelwurms.
Anyone who has enquiries about getting an Early Act Club started at their primary school, may phone Wilhelm van der Vyver of the George Rotary Club during office hours at 044 873 0215.
Laerskool Outeniqua Open Harte In Gees Van Feestyd
Onlangs het die Early Act Klub by Laerskool Outeniqua hulle nuutste gemeenskapsprojek voltooi. Early Act word by laerskole deur die internasionale Rotary diensorganisasie ondersteun en bevorder omgee, respek, empatie, verantwoordelikheid, verdraagsaamheid, burgerskap, ruimhartigheid, vriendskap en leierskap.
Santa Flights 2022
20/6//11/2Click on image to enlarge A group of 69 children from George received a very special Christmas treat when they were entertained at the George Airport with some very special activities. This was the tenth time that the “Santa flight” took place after the pandemic, arranged through the combined efforts of the six service clubs of George. The project involves children of all races who are currently disadvantaged and who have never flown in an Aircraft/Helicopter before. It was a day of special happenings for the kids: paintball, tombola, face-painting and colour hair-spray, ball games presented by Living Ball, jumping castles and all kinds of yummy treats to eat and drink. Each kid received a specially made “ticket” which allowed them to board their planes. After lunch, Father Christmas made his appearance to hand over presents to all the kids, George is the only town in South Africa that does such a project and it is also the only project in the world where six different service clubs come together to do a community project of this nature. “So many George businesses that heard of this fantastic project over the years help to raise funds, find sponsorship and even help on the day. There is literally one adult for every kid on the day. Safety is of utmost importance and all rules are strictly enforced.”
The clubs involved are: Round Table George 30, M.O.T.H Outeniqua Shellhole, Rotary Club of George, Eden Lions, LC 20 Garden Route and Die Vryburgers of George. Rotary Interact (the junior club of Rotary) and the Holy Cross Leos (junior members of the Lions) help on the day with the games and proceedings.
20/5//11/2Click on image to enlarge GARDEN ROUTE SPCA WILDERNESS WOOFATHON
For the sixth year running, the Garden Route SPCA held their hugely popular Wilderness WOOF-athon on Saturday 25th November. As in previous years The Rotary Club of George marshal the dogs and their owners on the Beach walk and offer guidance and encouragement to the competitors!
Last year, 200 dogs participated in the mass doggie beach walk and the fun dog shows. This year they hoped to have a record of 240 dogs and they nearly did!
The fun is not limited to dogs and their owners - there was sizzling sosaties and bacon rolls, coffee and cakes, fairground games, the SPCA bargain book sale, and arts and craft stalls. Watching dogs and owners get in a real tangle in South Africa's first "Sausage and Spoon Race “it made attending worth every bodies while this year and the dogs and their owners enjoyed every minute of it with not a sausage left to race!.
Registration opened at 08:00 (R25 per dog, R15 per human and R5 for kids 12 and under).
The beach walk started at 09:00, the "Sausage and Spoon" races and fun dog shows at 10:00.
Win a flight over the coast in a private plane, a R750 feast at Roxi's at The Palms Garden Square, a R500 Woolworths shopping spree, or a R1 000 hairstyling at Stylz?
The funds raised will be used by the local garden Route SPCA to help animals in need; and Rotarians enjoyed giving their voluntary time for this worthy cause.
Eishkom : How to make a fire
20/5//11/2Click on image to enlarge The closest thing to "rubbing two sticks together" is the hand-drill. You will need a fireboard (a small cedar board is good) and a thin, straight stick. A knife is good, too. This takes a lot of practice. Hand callouses help. YouTube has many videos: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hand+drill+fire
Even further on the skill end of the scale is the fire plow. Basically you push a stick along a groove in a board. I've heard that native people of the Pacific Northwest would walk up to a cedar tree, cut groove in the side of the tree, and plow up a coal right there. Again, see YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fire%20plow
Successful friction fires requires both good equipment and good technique. If you are just starting out, and you won't know if your failures are caused by equipment or technique. This can make learning very difficult. One fix is to buy a good set from an expert. Learn to make fires with it, then make your own kit.
Making any fire requires multiple skills, which you apply in a sequence. A friction method will produce a tiny coal. Once you've mastered that, you still need to be able to make the coal in to a flame (with tinder). Once your tinder is going, you need to light the kindling. Usually you'll add progressively larger fuel to grow the fire for your purposes. Then you need to know how to put the fire out safely.
Quiz Evening
20/7//11/1Click on image to enlarge Head scratching raises over R6000
Saturday 17th November saw the much anticipated return of the Rotary Club of George Quiz Night. This event, organised as a fundraiser for the many projects done by the club was initiated and organised by President Elect Carryn Trollope. The evening was a full house and attracted 100 eager participants, all keen to pit their wits against each other and our quizmaster and compere, Anthony and his team, kept the evening in good order with a tour de force performance.
It was a wonderful evening, full of head scratching, fun and laughter; a delicious menu of fish and chips, delicious salads, and desserts.
The winning team from the last quiz were back in force, but they (and the other 12 participating teams) battled against strong teams of competitors determined to win the evenings prizes , all who scored an impressive number of points, answering questions on rounds which covered science, history, sport, the 90s and celebrities, amongst others, to be crowned Quiz Champions 2018. The Members from the Moths provided and served the excellent supper and refreshments, helping, in the process, to raise funds for the Rotary Club of George.
Quiz Evening
20/6//11/1Click on image to enlarge We had a very successful Quiz Night last night at George Moth Hall Social Club, to raise money for The Rotary Club of George Community projects and Rotary International ‘End Polio Now’ campaign.
A huge thankyou to all that donated the prizes without your support this event would not have happened and been so successful. Thank you to everyone who came and made the night a
big success as well, with robust participation and comradery, prizes galore were won and intelligence challenged! Great food and refreshment lasted through an enjoyable evening and we promise to do it again.
Thanks to President Carryn and family for you tireless work in organising as well.
Thanks Everyone
Rotary co ordinates Donation
20/6//11/0Click on image to enlarge ROTOTANK DONATION WELCOMED BY THE Garden Route SPCA
The GR SPCA staff was extremely grateful to RotoTank, Cape Town for the very generous donation of 5 x 5000 litre water tanks and 10 sturdy drinking troughs (valued close to R50,000). Hendrik Helberg and Christo van der Merwe from RotoTank in Cape Town sent the donation which was handed over by their George branch manager, Elvin Wentzel during the height of the recent fires in and around George.
The donation was also facilitated by George Herald Editor Ilse Schoonraad and Rotary Club Community Service Director Donald Goldfain who got hold of the correct people at the GR SPCA to expedite the delivery and handing over.
2 of the tanks and 4 troughs will be sent to the Mossel Bay branch of the GR SPCA to assist the staff there. The tanks will be connected to the downpipes to ensure a constant supply of water at the 2 branches. The troughs are being used in the large animal pounds and some taken to areas that have animals without water after the fires. They will be invaluable during droughts and other disaster scenarios in future. The SPCA has mobile water tanks installed on some of their vehicles for animals without water so the troughs are prized by the field staff.
“Thank you very much to RotoTank,” said GR SPCA Frieda Jansen van Rensburg when the tanks were delivered, “we cannot believe the extent of their compassion and generosity and are all delighted by the donation. We will definitely put the tanks and troughs to good use and be even more ready for disasters in the future. We learned a lot after the Knysna fires and bought a lot of emergency equipment afterwards which was put to good use over the last few weeks. Now we have better facilities for storing and delivering water in emergencies as well. I’d like to express my gratitude to Ilse ( George Herald) and Donald (Rotary Club of George) for their participation in co-ordinating this wonderful donation” she concluded.
Interact Project at Akkertjie
20/5//11/0Click on image to enlarge York High's Interact Club donated a slide and swing to Akkertjie on the 22 October 2014.
The crèche's toddlers- and principle, Davidene Khana - were happy to receive this new addition to their Jungle Gym. The second that the slide was delivered; the children were already on it and eager to play!
Interact will continue to give back to the community and we encourage everyone to be the change they want to see in George.
Spekboom Planting
20/1//10/3Click on image to enlarge Rotary Club of George Members and Partners donated and planted 25 ‘Spekboom’ trees (1 for each member of the Club) in an area of the George Botanical Gardens for future generations to enjoy, this initiative was in direct response to the call by RI president Ian Riseley to all Rotarians to plant a tree on a ‘1 to 1’ challenge. Rotary George took on the challenge on 31st October2017!
‘Spekboom’ (Portulacaria afra) is a succulent that helps fight air pollution. It has the ability to capture more than four tons of carbon per hectare! ‘Spekboom’ is a proudly South African plant!
Garden Route Wildfires
20/7//10/2Click on image to enlarge Tears, fear, loss and despondency of George fires – how a community came together - Well done Rotarian's - “Service Above Self”.Rotary and WRRA join hands to help our homeless fire victims !
Wilderness Residents and Ratepayers Contributed funds to WRRA specifically earmarked for food for the 100 victims of the recent fires, who were all being housed by Sanparks at Ebb& Flow. The funds raised are being used by the WRRA, Sanparks Honorary Rangers and Rotary Club of George to provide staple food packs to feed 100 people for the next month. The food was purchased from DF Scott, Golden Harvest and Pick&Pay Sedgefield, all of whom gave Rotary a significant discount on their purchases. In addition, other food stuffs and sandwiches were delivered to Ebb&Flow by concerned citizens and civic organizations. Hot balanced meals from George Super Kitchens were paid for and supplied by WRRA to all the victims from Tuesday to this weekend. Featherbed from Knysna will be feeding everyone today and Sunday and the food packs will be distributed today. Further food supplies will be supplied by WRRA & Rotary in two weeks’ time. Councillor Marlene Barnardt from CAW Municipality is providing baby food and toiletries. Great joint Community Co-operation.
Donald Goldfain, on behalf of WRRA and Rotary.
DG Official visit and PHF Awards
20/5//10/2On Tuesday 25 October, The Rotary Club of George had the pleasure and honour of presenting four Paul Harris awards to four special people who have had significant and meaningful impact on our George and surrounding communities. Our sincere congratulations to Mayor Leon van Wyk, Carpe Diem Principal Elzeth Grobler, Up with Downs Founder and driving force Jan Seegmuller and Dave Weldon , Chairman of The George Homeless Shelter for the past 30 odd years. Presenting the PH awards is our District 9350 District Governor Tracey Wilson. Congratulations to you all and thank you DG Tracey for officiating .
Interact York & Rundle !!
20/4//10/2Click on image to enlarge Well done to York and Rundle Interact Clubs who once again hosted an awesome Christmas party for underprivildged children. Well done PP Charles and PP Di, your Interact Teams are stars !!
Quiz Evening @ George Golf Clu
20/1//10/2Click on image to enlarge "Our first Rotary Club George Quiz Evening at the George Golf Club and it was a big success!! Thank you to all participants! You guys rock!"
A Rotary Quiz Night was inaugurated this year hosted by the Rotary Club of George as a fund raiser for their Club Project Fund. The event is a fun interactive night that welcomes the public, companies and Rotary clubs to enter teams to answer a series of questions and puzzles through a fun and exciting pub quiz format. A meal was served and the evening was attended by close on 150 people. The event began in the early evening and was held at the George Golf Club. The event has become a must do event in the local diary, and due to demand will be repeated in the New Year.
Inter School Speech Contest
20/8//10/1Click on image to enlarge Each year, the Rotary Club of George sponsors a Rotary and Department of Education Eden (Garden Route) and Central Karoo District High School speech contest. The contest provides a valuable opportunity for young men and women in these communities to demonstrate and enhance their skills at developing a theme and presenting it to others in a convincing manner.
The contest is open to any and all High School students in the municipal area. Each contestant is asked to speak for 5 to 7 minutes on the theme of their choice. A panel of Rotarian adjudicators evaluate each contestant on delivery, originality, and content. There are three rounds of the competition. School administrators assist with organising the elimination rounds. The Speech Contest Finals are held at a central location every year. Increasing cash prizes are awarded at each level of competition and the learners gain valuable lessons in confidence in public speaking and debate .
2014 Speech Comp Finals
20/7//10/1Click on image to enlarge Thanks to all the Teachers , Dept. of Education,Rotarians, Ferdi Rowan and Helen Grant that helped make this project a success. Thanks to “Die Bult” for providing the hall again this year . Great Project !
Outinique Chair Challange - OCC
20/5//10/1Click on image to enlarge A wheelchair race exclusively for disabled athletes!
And – every year it is getting bigger and better! The number of entries has increased dramatically, with disabled athletes and other persons in wheelchairs flocking to this annual event.
The Challenge is not only unique as being the first and only event exclusively for the disabled in South Africa, but it is staged in the picturesque town of George, in the heart of the spectacular Garden Route in the Western Cape, situated at the foot of the splendour of the Outeniqua Mountains.
Athletes in racing wheelchairs, adapted bicycles, hand cycles, basketball chairs and ordinary wheelchairs have made this into the premier sporting event for the disabled on the South African sporting calendar. Thank you to Pres Di, Charles, Gerhard and Danny for assisting at the OCC.
District Citation Award
20/3//10/1Click on image to enlarge George Rotary Club were one of the 34 District 9350 Clubs to receive a 2018 President Citation and George also received an award for its Tree Planting Project
DG's Visit 13th October
20/3//10/1Click on image to enlarge DG Geraldine Nichol’s visit 13th October 2015
at The George Golf Club and Dinner at The Townhouse
Induction Simon Swan
20/1//10/1Click on image to enlarge President Di had the pleasure of inducting PP Simon Swan to the Club, and welcomed both Simon and Tjitske to George and to our Club
Broadway and Beyond
20/8//10/0Click on image to enlarge Fundraising Musical Afternoon with music from popular movies and Shows, poetry and dramatic movement
Pensionors Potjie Lunch
20/7//10/0Rotary at work for the Senior Citizens!
Rock n Roll Radio Show
20/7//10/0Click on image to enlarge Great Show
Rotary Family Health Days 2019
20/3//10/0Click on image to enlarge Rotary Family Health Days
The Rotary Club of George ‘Rotary Family Health Days’ [RFHD] were held over 3 days at sites in and around George:
# Thursday 3rd October - New Dawn Park, Pacalsdorp.
# Friday 4th October - Thembalethu Square.
# Saturday 5th October - Touwsranten Sports Field.
George Rotarians worked closely in partnership with the Department of Health and Medical volunteers; embarking on a campaign to bring free healthcare services to historically disadvantaged and under-serviced areas and citizens during a three - day campaign In local George Communities.
Wilderness Fellowship
20/9//09/2Click on image to enlarge Wilderness Fellowship at Joplins
Rundle Interact Board
20/7//09/2Click on image to enlarge Rundle Interact Board at our George Rotary evening on 27th September giving their report back for 2016. They were super and looked so smart. The young team did Rundle proud.
SAPS Bicycle Tour
20/0//09/2Click on image to enlarge GEORGE NUUS - Lede van die Brackenfell-polisie wat beoog om geld vir die kinders van oorlede polisiebeamptes deur middel van 'n fietstoer in te samel, het Maandagmiddag 'n draai in George gemaak waar hulle vriendelik deur die George-polisie verwelkom is.
Die fietstoer het op Maandag 20 September afgeskop, waar hulle vanaf Plettenberg vertrek het. Die groep wat uit 13 polisielede verbonde aan Brackenfell-polisie en agt gemeenskapslede bestaan, gaan sowat 623 km in 'n tydperk van ses dae aflê. Volgens een van die organiseerders van die fietstoer, adjudant-offisier Ronald Kuhn beoog hulle om
R93 000 deur middel van die fietstoer en ander projekte in te samel.
"Die R93 000 is om die skoolbehoeftes van 93 skoolkinders van gr. 1 tot 12 vanoor die Wes-Kaap van oorlede polisiebeamptes vir volgende jaar te koop," het Kuhn gesê.
Kuhn het bygevoeg dat die oorhandiging van die skoolbehoeftes teen einde November sal plaasvind.
Majoor Elmarie van der Westhuizen van die George-polisie het die groep bedank vir hul inisiatief en sterkte vir hul reis toegewens.
"Dit gebeur min dat daar aan die kinders van polisiebeamptes wat ons in diens verloor het, gedink word. Baie dankie vir wat julle doen," het Van der Westhuizen gesê. Sy het ook 'n donasie namens George-polisie aan die groep oorhandig.
Die fietstoer-groep met lede van Rotary wat ook 'n donasie gegee het sowel as Salie Carelse (vierde van links) voorsitter van die George Polisiëringsforum (GPF) en majoor Elmarie van der Westhuizen van die George-polisie (agter regs).
Inter Service Club Lunch
20/5//09/1Click on image to enlarge Inter service Club Senior Citizens Spring Lunch
The George Service Clubs Rotary, Lions, Moths, Ladies Circle, Round Table, came together again at our annual “Pensioners Braai”, preparing meals for the elderly, all from local George retirement homes. “This service is provided to the elderly free of charge as a form of appreciation for their contribution to the advancement of the communities of the Garden Route during their economically active years,” A true ‘Service Above Self’ Rotary Day!
Inter Service Club Project
20/4//09/1Click on image to enlarge Rotary Club of George, Eden Lions Club and George Lions Club had Two great days packing stew mix bags at the Garden Route Food Pantry in George South Africa.
This was a two day inter-service clubs project - working together for the benefit of the community. Eden Municipality local crèches in and around George received 550 food packs, feeding 3300 children.
Outinique Wheelchair Challange
20/4//09/1Click on image to enlarge A wheelchair race exclusively for disabled athletes!
Athletes in racing wheelchairs, adapted bicycles, hand cycles, basketball chairs and ordinary wheelchairs have made this into the premier sporting event for the disabled on the South African sporting calendar. About 400 athletes from various countries, including South Africa, Ghana and Zimbabwe, participated in this year’s Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge.
George Rotarians and the Rundle College Interactors distributed water bottles to the athletes and stepped in to help with the distribution of food parcel’s.
Annual Retirees Lunch 2019
20/7//09/0Click on image to enlarge Another Successful Inter service Clubs of George Project George. Senior Citizens gathered for a Luncheon of delicious food on Saturday 7th September. Eden Lions,Garden Route Ladies Circle 20,Outenique Moth Shellhole,Rotary Club of George,George Round Table 30 and George Lions all came together for the yearly Pensioners Lunch Braai.
The Pensioners were from various retirement homes and the Senior Citizen’s Society.
Potjie Kos Winners
20/9//08/2Click on image to enlarge Pledge Evening hosted by Round Table George –
Potjie Kos competition winners - Rotary Club of George - Well done Philip & Francois.
Interact Induction York High
20/8//08/2Click on image to enlarge The new York High Interact Board was inducted at York High on Thursday 28th August 2014. Guest speaker was Rtn Alex Smith . The evening , under the guidance of PP Charles Rowe was well run and George Rotary can be proud of our Interactors and what they have achieved in the last year. Congratulations to the outgoing board for an excellent year of community service, fellowship and fun.We wish Vicky Boyes, the new Interact President and her board a successful and happy year.
Michaela James (nee' Dugmore,) the Interact President at York High in 1989 is now a teacher at York High . see her picture with President Di at the Induction evening.
Interact & Early Act Raid
20/6//08/2Click on image to enlarge The York High Interact Board and some members , as well as a large contingent of Outeniqua Early Act members arrived to give the Club a presentation on the projects these two Cubs have been involved in over the last few months. The Rotarians and guests present were delighted to see the extent and impact that these young people have made on our George Community. Well done to you all !
Distinguished Guest Speaker
20/3//08/2Click on image to enlarge Mayor Leon van wyk was invited to address the George Rotary Club last night where he spoke about Infrastructure, Safety, Renewables and what is happening in the local economy in George.
he added some of the insights he gained from the Cabinet Meets Business Summit on Energy he attended earlier that day.He was excited to note that the challenges we face are presenting some fascinating opportunities.A good turnout of Rotarians and their partners enjoyed this evening of fellowship and interaction, with two new Rotarians inducted, and two transferees welcomed into the Club!.
NSRI says thanks
20/9//08/1Wilderness NSRI Station 23 held an appreciation day on Saturday 19 August where they thanked all their loyal supporters and partners. From local lifelong supporters, other emergency services, life savers, fellow NSRI members, and even the media were thanked for their role in assisting the NSRI.
Greenpop Tree planting
20/8//08/1Click on image to enlarge Featherbed Nature Reserve is a privately-owned reserve and South African Heritage Site that captures the essence of Knysna’s beauty. Located on a protected portion of Knysna’s Western Head, an iconic landmark on the Western Cape’s gorgeous Garden Route, the reserve is only accessible by ferry. To protect its natural splendor, only a limited number of people are able to visit each day and must be accompanied by a specialist guide. Rotary George recently sponsored 25 trees to be planted in the reserve to replenish those lost to the devastating fire in June 2017.
Paul Harris Awards August
20/2//08/1Click on image to enlarge The Rotary Club of George was delighted to award Paul Harris Awards to three very deserving community service giants. PP Eddie Reppert was awarded a Sapphire Pin for his food project,to add to his previously awarded Paul Harris . Marzanne Cillie of Bethesda received her award for her outstanding working in community service in George and especially at Bethesda and the OCC. Peter Leppan was awarded his Paul Harris for initiating and driving The Seven Passes Initiative. Congratulations to all of you .
20/6//08/0Click on image to enlarge The POLAR BEAR PLUNGE
Special thanks to the Badger Holdings Team ,Oakhurst Insurance & dotsure.co.za for arranging this spectacular event. A total of 448 blankets were donated by the polar bears who took the plunge and of these, George Rotary Club received 140, which were immediately collected by Bethesda for the patient outreach project.
Thanks to all the Rotarians , partners and friends that came to hand out all that coffee to the freezing participants.
We all look forward to this event becoming an annual fixture at Vic Bay !
Linking to Rotaract Dubai
20/9//07/2Click on image to enlarge Kerri-Ann Jeffery , (Andrew and Christine’s daughter who is living in Dubai ), who is the Secretary of the Rotaract Club of Jijumeirah swopping banners with President Di.
Polar Bear Plunge 2018
20/8//07/2Click on image to enlarge Hundreds of people braved the 14-degrees cold water and got "freezin' for a reason" at Victoria Bay on Saturday 28 July. Young and old enjoyed the festivities on the beach at the third annual dotsure.co.za Polar Bear Plunge. Garden Route businesses challenged each other to brave the cold for a chance to win R20 000 for a charity of their choice, and locals offered their support by donating blankets as an entrance fee to partake in the day.
George Rotarians were out in force and manned the refreshment tent dispensing 500 hot beverages and biscuits to those brave enough to take the plunge, and for their efforts Rotary received their share of some 750 blankets which they promptly re donated to the George child and family welfare clinic.
Polar Bear Plunge
20/7//07/2Click on image to enlarge Fun with Freezin' for a Reason in 2019
The Polar Bear Plunge is an annual charity event hosted by dotsure.co.za that raises blankets and spirits all along the Garden Route. Every winter, hundreds of participants strip down into bikinis and baggies and run screaming into the icy, 11-degree waves in the spirit of goodwill and generosity. In the run-up to the 2019 event, individuals and local businesses pledged to participate in teams, and challenged other businesses to join in.
On the day, 700+ winter bods in their swimwear are all over Vic Bay beach in George in the Southern Cape and crowds roared in support of getting wet for pets and people in need. Plus, there were a delightful kids' corner, dedicated charity stalls, tasty treats, and George Rotarians were on hand with hot refreshments and encouragement to young and old to ‘take a dip’ in aid of needy people and pets charities and NGOs .
George Super Kitchen
20/7//07/2Click on image to enlarge President Simon and Rtn Donald attended a "Thank you Lunch" at George Super Kitchen hosted by Mars van den Colff to thank everyone involved in feeding the fire fighter and victims in the June Knysna fires. Well done TEAM !!
Food Parcels for Mandela Day
20/8//07/1Click on image to enlarge What did Goerge Rotary do for Mandela 100 day!
The staff of Oakhurst Insurance George took time out of their busy workday schedules to pack food parcels for surrounding communities, which will feed in excess of 28 000 people. Oakhurst donated 6 000 meals to George Rotary, 6 000 to Child Welfare and another 6 000 are going to Keep The Dream Rehabilitation clinic. The rest will be donated to various clinics and charity organisations across George that are all in desperate need. The 1000 food parcels donated to George Rotary Club were gratefully received and George Rotarians took the opportunity to do their 67 minutes for Mandela day by donating them in turn to those less fortunate in the local community, and reaching out through Blanco, Kuyasa, Parkdene and Lawaaikamp Clinics in and around George.
Rotary Club of George Induction
20/9//07/0Click on image to enlarge On Sunday 9th July 2023 Past President Di Kershaw was re inducted as President of the Rotary Club of George for a second term 2023 – 24 by District Governor Ann Wright.
In attendance were Assistant District Governor Claire du Plessis, George Councillor Marlene Barnardt and Rotarians, their partners and guests from various Rotary Clubs along the Garden Route.
After enjoying a sumptuous buffet lunch, President Di handed out Club awards to members who have excelled in Service to the community and club activities. DG Anne then assisted in awarding a Paul Harris Award (Rotaries highest honour) to Christine Jeffery for her dedicated work with the Upwith Downs School. Finally Lana Auer was inducted as a new member of the club and members enjoyed fellowship to end a wonderful occasion.
Rotary Club of George Induction
20/9//07/0Click on image to enlarge On Sunday 9th July 2023 Past President Di Kershaw was re inducted as President of the Rotary Club of George for a second term 2023 – 24 by District Governor Ann Wright.
In attendance were Assistant District Governor Claire du Plessis, George Councillor Marlene Barnardt and Rotarians, their partners and guests from various Rotary Clubs along the Garden Route.
After enjoying a sumptuous buffet lunch, President Di handed out Club awards to members who have excelled in Service to the community and club activities. DG Anne then assisted in awarding a Paul Harris Award (Rotaries highest honour) to Christine Jeffery for her dedicated work with the Upwith Downs School. Finally Lana Auer was inducted as a new member of the club and members enjoyed fellowship to end a wonderful occasion.
President Simon's Induction
20/2//07/0Click on image to enlarge President Simon Swan was inducted at a Fun Filled Fellowship Function at The Town House restaurant on Sunday 2 July 2017.
Have a look at the Gallery for some great pictures !
President Carryn's Induction
20/0//06/3Click on image to enlarge A wonderful venue for an auspicious occasion, Presidents past and present along with George Rotarian's, visiting presidents from neighboring clubs the AG and family and friends enjoyed a luncheon, fun, fellowship, and a little decorum for the induction of incoming President 2019-2020 Carryn. Outgoing President Frances outlined some of the highlights of her year in office and gave out Awards too those who went the extra mile to 'be the inspiration'. George Rotarian's look forward to another year of Service and giving: Time for Family-Time for work-Time for Community, and Time connecting the world through Rotary.
Induction of President Martin
20/0//06/3Click on image to enlarge President Martin Reimann was inducted at Down to Earth restaurant near Oubaai , George on Tuesday evening 30th June 2015. Outgoing President Di Kershaw presided over her last meeting and awarded Club Awards to PP Mike Tacke for his stirling work on the Bethesda Medical Project, to PP Jenny Becker for her untiring and efficient running of Club services and her involvement in all the clubs projects. PP Donald Goldfain was awarded the Community Service Award principally on his ability to spend Club funds so quickly and efficiently. PP Phillip Gibbs provided the background music, singing all the popular oldies. Great evening was held by all.
Induction of President Di
20/8//06/2Click on image to enlarge President Di Kershaw was inducted as the Rotary Club of George's President at a prestigious event held at Step-Aside on Saturday evening 28th June 2014. The venue was beautifully decorated by PP Jenny Becker and her Team, the food was cooked and served by President Elect Martin Reimann and his Team and the evening was MC’ed by Rotarian Marlene Viljoen. Past President Mike Tacke gave us a great speech and made some awards to various George Rotarians. PP Phil Gibbs entertained us all with a great repertoire of songs and music. The evening ended just shy of midnight . Great Induction , WELL DONE GEORGE ROTARY !! Look at the Gallery for pics !
Induction of PE Di @ Carpe Diem
20/6//06/2Click on image to enlarge A wonderful venue for an auspicious occasion, Presidents past and present along with George Rotarian's, visiting presidents from neighboring clubs and family and friends enjoyed a delicious luncheon, fun, fellowship, and a little decorum for the induction of incoming President 2022-2023 Di Kershaw. Outgoing President Dave outlined some of the highlights of his year in office and gave out Awards too those who went the extra mile to Club Members. A Highlight of the awards was a PHF 5th Sapphire to incoming President Di! George Rotarian's look forward to another year of Service and giving: Time for Family-Time for work-Time for Community, and Time to - ’Imagine Rotary’
Induction of PE Frances Feig
20/7//06/1Click on image to enlarge More than 30 people attended the George Rotary Club’s induction Lunch recently. The theme was ‘A Teddy Bears Picnic’ each Rotarian was requested to bring a soft teddy toy to be donated to a local trauma Clinic. The event was held at the Far Hills Hotel for the induction of president elect, Frances Feig, by ADG Di Kershaw. Honoured guests included; Visiting Rotarians from neighbouring clubs, former ADGs and Presidents of Rotary and current members of the Rotary club of George and their partners and representatives of Interact. After the call to order by MC PP Andrew Jefferies a moment of silence was observed for the late PP Malcolm Pollard, President Simon Swan then welcomed everyone and this was followed by the Object of Rotary and toasts aplenty proposed by Rotarians to South Africa, Rotary International, recognition and appreciation of the Rotary partners and friends of Rotary, and finally grace.
After the delicious Italian style buffet, President Simon Swan presented his outgoing address and annual report, proceeding on to the Club Awards given to a member who exhibits “Above and beyond qualities” in their daily activities and who promotes Rotary by their actions and involvements. Congratulations AG Di Kershaw - “Presidents Award”; Rtn Dave Hill – “Service above Self Award”; Lynn Gibbs – “friends of Rotary Award”; PP Donald Goldfain – “Chirper of The Year Award” ( And a recipient of a PHF sapphire); Rtn Christo Prins – “Best Attendance Award”. The occasion was an intense as well as touching affair when President Simon handed over the Awards to members.
The ADG Di Kershaw then gave her appreciation of the hard work and congratulations to President Simon and The Rotarians Of George Rotary for their achievements this year, no less for winning a Club citation this year, and the District Award for the ‘Community Service Project of the Year’! The induction of the new president of George Rotary then took place, and Incoming President Frances outlined her goals and aspirations for the incoming year under the RI Presidents theme for this rotary year of “Be the Inspiration”. The Induction ceremony being concluded and a new President inducted; the now Past President Simon closed proceedings with the 4way test and the MC called Rotary time; Fellowship then concluded a wonderful afternoon.
Raising Funds for Cataract Surgery
20/4//06/1Funds donated by The Edgar Droste Trust and The Rotary Club of George have been allocated to two specific people by the George Surgical Centre Charity Trust. We are able to help two ladies – 1 eye each.
The first lady will be operated on the 14 June and the other lady on the 5 July at the George Eye Hospital.
The remaining +/- R2000 we were able to use for another patient who could not afford the intra-ocular lens. She was helped on 15 March.
The Rotary Club of George is applying to our Rotary District for a "District Grant" to assist with further cataract ops and so if the Trust has any spare cash, we would be very happy to channel this into this project.
20/0//06/1Click on image to enlarge Our annual golf day fundraiser took place on a chilly Sunday on the 10th of June at the George Golf Club, but this did not deter the enthusiastic Golfers and the George Rotarians from enjoying the day, a major fundraiser!
This annual event has only been a success since its inception thanks to the support of the local golf community; its aim has always been to raise funds for the greater George Community and Make a Difference in people’s lives. The Rotary Club of George members raise funds for the many projects that we support through Voluntary Community work, Events and Fundraising Projects such as this Family Golf Day.
Thanks go to the Rotary Golf Day organizing team that put this amazing day together and the George Golf Community for their support, a full field, great prizes, raffles and fellowship after the prize giving was enjoyed by golfers, Rotarian's and Friends of Rotary, especially the boerewors rolls and entertainment and the day was a great success.
Outinique Primary Reach Out
20/7//06/0Click on image to enlarge Outeniqua Primary Partner With Night Shelter
Recently the Early Act Club at Outeniqua Primary School concluded their latest community service project. Early Act is sponsored at primary schools by the international Rotary service organization and has as purpose to provide young learners with opportunities to participate in active citizenship in a culturally diverse democratic society in an interdependent world.
"For many years the George night shelter has given invaluable service to our community", comments Danielle Barnard, teacher and Early Act coordinator at Outeniqua Primary. "We wanted to assist them, and also those they assist – the homeless. We had to do this whilst curtailed by the Covid-pandemic. Our Early Actors proved to be more than able for the task."
The 60 learners at the Early Act club, assisted by their parents, collected a bakkie load worth of food and supplies. Recently the collected items were handed over.
“Part of our mission as a school is providing emotional and social support in the development of our learners towards adulthood”, notes Dr Nico Venter, principal of Outeniqua Primary, “and Early Act for us provides a forum for answering this responsibility.”
“We are so proud to be associated with the Outeniqua Primary Early Actors,” enthuses Andrew Jeffery, president of the George Rotary Club. “Their initiatives embody the leadership, compassion and community spirit our country needs.”
Fancourt 5th Tuesday
20/6//06/0Click on image to enlarge Great eveninhg of Fellowship at La Cantina at fancourt , George. Well organised by Rotarian Peter Gibbs !
Annual Golf fundraiser
20/2//06/0Click on image to enlarge The George Rotary Annual Golf tournament was held on Thursday 2nd June 2022, after a two year hiatus due to the Covid pandemic. Golf Committee organizers are pleased with both the turnout and funds raised, it was an amazing day. The 18 hole George Golf Club had 84 golfers participate this year, the prizes and the tee and green sponsorship was fantastic. Rotarian and coconvenor Di Kershaw thanked the business community and all sponsor’s for their contribution to the tournament, members from the community who participated and all the George Rotarians more notably Dalleen, Di, Andrew and the Golf committee for helping make this annual event so successful. The funds raised at this event and a raffle will go towards different Rotary projects in the George community.
George Rotary Awards Evening
20/9//05/2Click on image to enlarge Rotary honours community leaders
Three Georgians who are well known in educational and charitable circles were honoured for decades of dedicated service to the community by the George Rotary Club on Tuesday 29 May.
The Rotary's highest meritorious award, the Paul Harris Fellowship, was awarded to Cansa Relay chairman Lorraine Verhagen, dedicated community worker Myron Rabinowitz and Di Dee, a teacher at York High who worked on many educational projects including the Interact Club.
During an informal sit-down dinner, outgoing president Simon Swan reminded his audience that the presentation of the Paul Harris Fellowship is the Rotary Foundation's way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution made to humanitarian and educational programmes.
Certificates of appreciation were also handed to York High Principal Francois Moll, the Townhouse Restaurant and the George Golf Club. The fellowships and certificates of appreciation are bestowed on individuals, organisations and businesses that demonstrate the Rotary's motto, "Service above Self".
Latest Club Pensioner
20/6//05/2Click on image to enlarge The Club's latest pensioner and his twin brother.
They couldn't wait to get to Game to claim a 10% Pensioner's Discount ....
Early Act 'Lends a Hand'
20/3//05/2Click on image to enlarge On Thursday 23 May 2019 the Early Act Club at Outeniqua Primary School concluded their latest community service project.
"A few years ago we became aware of the Wikkelwurms project at Bethesda", comments Danielle Barnard, teacher and Early Act coordinator at Outeniqua Primary. "The initiative comprises a stimulation project for children with developmental delays from ages 2 to 6 years, with the children coming from disadvantaged families. Over the past few years we have on various occasions reached out to these very special children, and this year we wanted again to do something special for them. Our Early Actors proved to be more than able for the task."
The learners at the Early Act club, assisted by their parents, supplied coloring books and DVD’s for the center, baked cakes, purchased and made clothes and arranged for other treats for the get-together. On the day of the visit a group of approximately 35 Early Actors arrived at the Wikkelwurms area at Bethesda, handed over the cakes, snacks and gift packs, and then played with the children in the play area.
Rosemore: Llewellyn's Farewell
20/1//05/2Click on image to enlarge PP Eddie Reppert, Robin Robinson and PP Donald Goldfain represented the Club at the farewell held at Rosemore Old Age Home for Llewellyn Frans, who has now retired after many years of service to Rosemore.
The farewell was well attended and in between speeches, we were all entertained by one of the residents Mrs. S Stellenboom, who sang some beautiful songs.Llewellyn 's replacemnet is Ms. Ineke Goosen
Early Act PHF
20/6//05/1Recently the Rotary Club of George awarded Amanda Hattingh, a teacher at Outeniqua Primary School, with a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of outstanding service to the community. Named after the founder of the international Rotary organization, this award represents a donation of one thousand US dollars in the name of the awardee by the George Rotary Club to the Rotary Foundation, which in return supports humanitarian projects worldwide. Previous recipients of this award include Mother Teresa, Dr Jonas Salk and UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar.
“Apart from her other activities at the school, Ms Hattingh has been key to the success of the Early Act Club over the past four years at Outeniqua Primary School,” Rotary Club president Di Kershaw explains. Early Act is sponsored at primary schools by the Rotary worldwide and includes as focus areas the promotion of a culture of public service, the development of leadership qualities and awareness of community needs.
Current projects of the Outeniqua Primary Early Actors include the Wikkelwurms project at Bethesda, a stimulation project for children with developmental delays, and the collection of toys and gifts for the Red Cross Children’s Hospital.
“We want to assist our learners in becoming citizens, and that includes being involved in the local community of which we form a part”, notes Johan Smit, principal of Outeniqua Primary, “and Early Act for us provides a forum for doing so.”
On the accompanying photo is Wilhelm van der Vyver, Rotarian liassing with Outeniqua Primary Early Act Club, Amanda Hattingh with her award, George Rotary Club President Di Kershaw and Johan Smit, principal at Outeniqua Primary School.
International Firefighters Day
20/4//05/0Click on image to enlarge International Firefighters Day (IFFD) allows the world to recognize and honour the sacrifices that our firefighters make to keep our communities and environment safe. Memories of the recent devastating fires that marred the Eden District in the Southern Cape will be forever etched on the collective consciousness of the community. Firefighters dedicate their lives to the protection of life and property. Sometimes that dedication is in the form of countless hours volunteered over many years and at times even their lives.
On Friday, the 4th of May, the world celebrates International Firefighters’ Day where we honour the bravery and commitment of these individuals. Proud Sponsor Oakhurst Insurance, along with the greater George community and the Rotary Club of George, will recognise the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible.
George Fire Department is gearing up for International Firefighters’ Day with celebrations kicking off with a Grand Parade of over 30 fire-fighting vehicles drawn from Fire Departments across the Western and Southern Cape.
On Saturday 5 May, eight firefighting teams including one ladies team will showcase their skills with challenges such as the "Hose Roll", the "Fireman’s Carry" and the "Tyre-flip", Medals for the winning teams were donated by the Rotarians from George Rotary Club. Demonstrations will include extrication from a vehicle accident, fire-fighting vehicles on display and a ‘potjiekos’ competition with six teams taking part. The food prepared will be donated to a worthy cause by the Fire Departments.
20/2//05/0Click on image to enlarge Somerset West is being raided by our President Elect Carryn and AG Di
20/9//04/2Click on image to enlarge https://www.facebook.com/rotaryclubgeorge
Yes , we now have our own facebook page !!
Now go and "Like Us on facebook" !!
Well done Pres Mike & Trevor for getting this off the ground.
Next you will have us Tweeting and Twerking ( Heaven forbid !)
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Interact Mini Conference
20/1//04/2Click on image to enlarge An Interact Mini-conference took place at York High, George on Saturday 21 April 2018.
The conference went off extremely well with an attendance of 135 (115 Interactors and 20 teachers and Rotarians) from 10 Interact Clubs. The Interact clubs came from Swellendam, Mossel Bay, Great Brak River, Dysselsdorp, Knysna and George. There was a varied and fun programme with 2 motivational speakers, a slot on Rotary Youth Exchange, and an opportunity for each Interact Club to make a presentation, this was followed by a Workshop.
Our grateful thanks goes to a wonderful group of Rotarians who gave up most of their Saturday to do the catering for the conference, namely Michele, Carryn, Frances, Lynn and Cheryl, and Donald, Phoebus and Dave. The teas served were very excellent with home baked scones and Rock buns, and freshly made sandwiches. The boerewors rolls were expertly prepared and we received many comments on how delicious they were. Thank you to a wonderful team.
PP Charles Rowe Youth Service Director
Market Community Theatre
20/7//04/1Click on image to enlarge This is amazing news for this little theatre. We are installing a foyer carpet. A red carpet down the central aisle of the theatre. Paint for the little coffee serving hub plus the passages in the theatre from the dressing rooms to the toilets. We have also found the coffee hub a coffee percolator brand new through a contact of gerhards. They would love some coffee mugs. So if anyone wishes to clean out their cup cupboard. Please contact Di and I will collect from you.
York High Interact Conf Apr16
20/6//04/1Click on image to enlarge York High Interact held an extremley well run and well attended regional Interact conference. Over 100 delegates from schools in the Garden Route attended. George Rotary can be proud of it's York High Interact Team. Bravo !
George Community Food Aid Relief
20/5//04/1Click on image to enlarge RC of George Food aid / Garden Project
This an ongoing programme and our major activity during the State of Emergency, for the communities in need due to the economic fallout of the lockdown, and to date we have raised, personally been involved, and/or contributed close to R160, 000.This is an ongoing project for as long as funds are available from donors. Contributions have been made from Club project funds, Personal appeals for donations, Personal member Donations, International Donors and a District Financial Disaster Grant).
The Community Recipient’s to date and Rotary Club Contact liaison are:
• George JAG (Joint Action Group) represented by local Service Clubs, NGO’s and the Business community.
• 7 Passes - Touwsrantan. (Wilmi) Rotary contact: Rtn Mike/Dave
• Blanco / Golden Valley (Aleta). Rotary Contact: Rtn Di
• Gloryland Community Centre, Blanco.(Fagan). Rotary Contact: Rtn Charles R
• Kleinkrantz/ Wilderness (Mare). Rotary contact: Rtn Frances
• Masithandane - Sedgefield (Jacky Weaver) Rotary Contact: Rtn Dave
[The Club had already allocated R12,500 from Project funds & has a District Grant to further support them.]
Due to the ongoing efforts of the Club, it has been agreed to incorporate Gardens for growing vegetables where feasible using some of the funds received for the Food Aid Project.- The objective of this initiative is to establish and assist in the management of a sustainable vegetable gardens in order to produce a range of vegetables sufficient to feed all children and staff in the future making the project more sustainable and long term.
Zenzele Launch
20/4//04/0Click on image to enlarge Zenzele Aftercare officially launched ! Well done Mike Tacke and Team
CANSA 'Relay for Life' George
20/4//03/2Click on image to enlarge CANSA ‘’Relay For Life’ is a unique event that offers everyone in their community the opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer. It represents HOPE that those who are fighting cancer will be supported; those lost to cancer will never be forgotten and one day cancer will be eliminated.
CANSA Relay For Life embraces entire communities, from the very young to the old. Teams raise funds before and during the Relay and these funds are dedicated to funding CANSA’s unique, integrated service within their community. Rotarians from The Rotary Club of George and Interactors from York High and Rundle College, provided refreshments, coffee, tea and pancakes through the night to the participant’s, and the George interactors led the Rotary team through the night!
Relayers take a pledge during a Fight Back Ceremony to take action and spread awareness of cancer education, advocacy, screening as well as care and support programmes – all in helping to build a world without cancer. This year’s CANSA Relay For Life 2018 that was held in George was a great success despite rainy weather and raised R65.000.
Rundle Interact Induction
20/4//03/2Click on image to enlarge Rundle College Interact Club was Chartered by The Rotary Club of George and the Club members were inducted at a prestigious event held at Rundle College on 24th March 2015.
Charter Induction Interact Club of Rundle College
Pres. Alexa Tucek giving her address on the Vision for 2015.
Sitting on left: Rob Clark Asst. Governor District 9350 ; Di Kershaw President Rotary Club of George.
CANSA 'Relay for Life' 2020
20/4//03/1Click on image to enlarge Relay For Life is a memorable and fun-filled overnight experience where teams of participants take turns walking a track overnight in an effort to fight cancer. At more than 70 South African Relay events nationwide, communities celebrate the lives of those who have faced cancer, remember loved ones lost and commit to fight back against the disease. George Rotarian's ably assisted by Interactors from York High and Rundle College provided Relay teams and refreshments to teams of participants through the night.
Outinique Chair Challange
20/4//02/2Click on image to enlarge Athletes from across Africa flock to George for Outeniqua Chair Challenge
George, Garden Route (January 2024) – This year is the 20th occasion for George to host the Outeniqua ‘Chair Challenge (OCC) on February 24 – and still many local citizens need reminding that this dual competitive and fun event is not only for wheelchairs. What’s more, there’s a most memorable experience to be gained from getting involved.
“The two categories in our competitive section are open to quadriplegic and paraplegic athletes, and then subcategories cater for competitors depending on the type of chair used,” explains organiser Alewijn Dippenaar. These include, among others, racing chairs, hand cycles, and basketball chairs.
So it’s no wonder that parts of George come to a vital standstill for several hours on OCC Day each February, with an extensive course blocked off for racing snakes on the 42.2km route, part of which is used for the 21.1km and 10km races.
There is also a fun 5km course completed by competitors in wheelchairs pushed by an array of awesome helpers. And among all entrants across the board will feature a colourful mix of not only South Africans from every corner of the country, but also nationals from Namibia, Ghana, Zim, Nigeria and Botswana.
Of course, nothing gets done without the generous hearts of volunteers, and On Saturday the 24th, George Rotarians and York High Interactors help on one of many refreshment tables, assisted with distribution of water, and encouraged the competitors.
CANSA "Relay for Life"
20/3//02/2Click on image to enlarge The theme for the relay is "CANSA Carnival".
Hundreds of people took part in this event to give hope and support to every cancer survivor. The field was packed with teams wearing colours which depicts different form of cancer, the teams are also made out of various local and regional businesses and government institutions.
This event also serves as a fundraiser for cancer and it continued throughout the night, providing entertainment from different artists.
Dignitaries such as Mayor Melvin Naik are also part of the event.Rotarians and Interactors from York High and Rundle college took part in the Relay and provided refreshments through the night!
OCC 2016
20/0//02/2Click on image to enlarge 1,400 meals served at the OCC 2016. Well done Rotary Club of George . Excellent turnout by Rotarians, Interactors and friends !
Thanks to Step Aside and President Martin for preparing the pasta salad, Chris at Amaqueta Food for storing the pasta, Rotarian Francois for the many transport trips,Syd , Christo, Di , Wilhelm ,Daleen Mike and Charles for all the shlepping and carrying and to EVERYONE else involved, GREAT EFFORT and a GREAT PROJECT. Thanks you.
Outinique Wheelchair Challange
20/8//02/1Click on image to enlarge A wheelchair race exclusively for disabled athletes! The City of George annually welcomes more than 1500 of national and international participants and with the cumulative monetary and logistical support of ACSA George and George Municipality an event of international standards is put forward.
The Rotary Club of George is proud to be part of this unique event and have been involved over previous years with catering duties, this year was no different and Rotarians and Partners handed out 1500 food parcels to all the participants many of whom are Polio survivors. By becoming involved Rotary will make a conscious investment (however big or small) in the future of the local disabled community and impact on the national and international disabled communities, by giving a donation to Rotary Internationals “Polio Plus Fund”. Every year it is getting bigger and better! The number of entries has increased dramatically, with disabled athletes and other persons in wheelchairs flocking to this annual event.
The Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge has been staged successfully during the past fifteen years, growing from its humble beginnings of only 27 entries in 2002 (then known as the Outeniqua Chair Challenge -OCC) to the magnificent race it is today. The Challenge is not only unique as being the first and only event exclusively for the disabled in South Africa, but it is staged in the picturesque town of George in the Southern Cape, and has over many years successfully hosted this event which is endorsed by the South African Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (SASAPD), South African Sports Confederation (SASCOC) and Disability Sports South Africa (DISSA).
Athletes in racing wheelchairs, adapted bicycles, hand cycles, basketball chairs and ordinary wheelchairs take on the challenge which is not only about speed, but also endurance in different race categories which include the 42,2kmmarathon, 21,1km half marathon, 10 km race and a five kilometre fun event have made this into the premier sporting event for the disabled on the South African sporting calendar. It undoubtedly has the potential to develop into one of the best events of its kind in the world!
John Sargeant & STEP
20/7//02/1Click on image to enlarge John Sargeant from RC Gloucester in the UK was a welcome visitor. John and his Rotary Club are assisting our Club with the Global grant applications for our current projects. John challenged our three STEP students to do a can can for us and if they would , he personally contributed towards sponsoring a tee and a green at our upcoming Rotary Golf Day ! many thanks John and our STEP students are great sports for doing the can can ! All three York students, Khanyi Mabena ( Deputy Head Girld and Hostel Head Girl) Jenna Seegmuller, ( Student Leader), Margi Naude( Student Leader and Hostel Deputy Girl) and gave impressive feedback reports on their STEP exchange visits to Europe. The STEP programme is such a great Rotary programme. Well done Girls !
Outeniqua Wheelchair Challange 202
20/5//02/1Click on image to enlarge The Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge (OCC) was held on the 15th February in George. It attracts athletes from all nine provinces as well as from the rest of Africa and abroad. The OCC is truly an occasion for George and the region to celebrate the spirit of Ubuntu as hundreds of locals freely give of their time to stage what is the biggest race of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.
Thousands of visitors descend on the Garden Route, not only having a significant economic impact (estimated to be about R3-million) but also raising awareness of the needs of disabled persons. As a result, the Garden Route has become a premier destination for the disabled. Assistance in distributing thousands of water bottles and manning a water station is done by the Rotarians from George Rotary Club.
Old Car Show 2023
20/1//02/1Click on image to enlarge #Rotary #fundraiser #fun #oldcarshow2023
Rotarians working hard and having lots of fun at the Souther Cape Old Car Club's annual Old Car Show
Old Car Show 2024
20/9//02/0Click on image to enlarge This year, the 27 th Annual George Old Car Show, hosted by the Southern Cape Old Car Club, we're rolling out the red carpet for German automotive craftsmanship. Prepare yourself for an immersive experience into the world of German marques, showcasing a stunning array of motorcars, motorcycles, and tractors. Enthusiasts from all corners of Southern Africa are invited to be a part of this grand celebration.
Event Highlights:
Diverse Display: Explore a mesmerizing collection of motorcars and motorcycles spanning various ages and marques. Marvel at the craftsmanship and innovation that defined an era.
• German Extravaganza: Immerse yourself in the allure of German engineering. From classic Mercedes-Benz to powerful Porsches’, experience the legacy of iconic German automobile manufacturers.
• Musical Delights: On Sunday, join us for a more intimate affair with local and family- oriented charm. Enjoy the lively tunes of the International Oompah Band from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, adding a vibrant touch to the German festivities.
• Community Spirit: This event isn't just about cars; it's about forging connections. Meet fellow enthusiasts, share stories, and revel in the camaraderie that makes the George Old Car Show a cherished tradition. George Rotarians are on hand to provide the service behind the various bar points
George Old Car Show 2020
20/9//02/0Click on image to enlarge The 24th George Old Car Show took place on 8 & 9 February 2020, at P.W. Botha College,(Eden Technical High School) Union Street, George in the Southern Cape. This popular annual event has developed during the years into a major display of more than 900 vehicles. Exciting things to do and see, including auction of old cars, a special exhibition of pickups - “Bakkies", model cars, kiddies play area, stall exhibitors. This is a fun day out for whole family, and the Rotarians, family and friends of the Rotary club of George are involved over the two days manning the ever popular hospitality tent.Proceeds go to NSRI.
The Show provides the attendees with the opportunity to explore the exhibit of a wide selection of veteran, vintage and classic cars, new car models in the market, vintage tractors, motorcycles, stationary engines, modified cars and street rods wide selection of arts and crafts stalls, and much more.
George Old Car Show 2019
20/9//02/0Click on image to enlarge The 23rd George Old Car Show took place on 9 and 10 February 2019. Once again The Rotary Club of George stepped up to help make This year's show a huge success which focused on rare and exotic cars exhibited by proud owners from all over the country. At the end of January, between 700 and 800 vehicles - most of them manufactured before 1975 - had already been registered for the exhibition.
In addition to the veteran and classic cars, new models, fascinating stationary engines and more than 5 000 model cars were also exhibited. A number of stalls were selling a range of car accessories, spare parts and novelty items, as well as other goods. There were food and refreshment stalls in abundance offering a choice of delights for all age groups young and old. George Rotarians provided much-needed rehydration, running a beer tent for the crowds of nostalgic car enthusiasts. The auction of vintage, classic and sports cars, hosted by House of Classic & Sports Cars Knysna, provided a highlight yet again.
"Around 80 percent of the exhibitors come from outside the George municipal area. We would like to heartily welcome visitors who support the George Old Car Show, whether by exhibiting or just visiting to admire the ageless beauties," said Japie Beyers of the organising committee. "We would also like to thank all our sponsors, without whom the show would not be possible."
George Rotarians once again enjoyed the challenge of serving the community and raising much needed funds for the local sea rescue institute.
Eagles vs Stormers 30 Jan
20/0//01/3Click on image to enlarge President Martin and PP Di represented the Club at the BIG GAME on 30th Jan. Thanks Team !
Vocational Awards Evening
20/3//01/2Click on image to enlarge VOCATIONAL SERVICE AWARDS
Each year the Rotary Club of George holds a Vocational Service Award evening where they recognize people in the local community who have shown that they give outstanding service in their personnel capacity or vocation. A number of candidates are nominated and between 6-10 awardees who qualify were recognized at a Special Award evening held at the George Golf Club, where their colleagues and families helped celebrate their achievements with members of the George Rotary Club members, their partners and friends.
This is an annual award and is only given to a limited number of people in the community who George Rotary Club members recognise as being employees or individuals who give exemplary service in their vocation or selfless contribution to the community.
At the Award Evening President Simon Swan, emphasized to the nominees “that the Rotary Vocational Service Award is a world recognised award and one that they should be very proud of accepting. It is a most important document to be kept and used in your resume should you ever wish to further your career or studies as proof of your skills in your chosen profession and the excellent manner you exhibit professionalism and service to customers.”
Rotary's Vocational Service Awards, recognise those exceptional employees within our community who have ' gone the extra mile' in the pursuit of the success of their business or trade. In doing so they exemplify the Rotary model of “Service above self"; The pursuit of excellence in the ‘object of Rotary’ and business, and personifies the high ethical standards held in ‘the 4way test’ and a desire to assist the community in which we live, by maintaining and promoting those standards above and beyond duty. The worthy Awardees were:
• Mare Collett – ‘The Nursery’, George Botanical Gardens
• Carel van der Merwe – SANParks Southern Cape
• Jerome Martin – Shell Kraaibosch Garage George
• Barinda van der Merwe - Health Department George
• Patience Shipalane - Health Department George
• Belinda Majiedt - Health Department George
• Loretta Roelfse - Health Department George
• Melaney Marthinus - Health Department George
Vocational Awards 2019
20/2//01/2Click on image to enlarge George Rotary recognizes Vocational Excellence
It has become common practice for Rotary clubs around the world to Recognize VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE of the highest order, and to honor outstanding contributions by individuals or teams of individuals for significant advancement in their vocational fields and service to their communities, In doing so they exemplify the Rotary model of “Service above Self.” This is then recognized by Rotary’s Vocational Service Awards. These outstanding contributions also set an example to others, particularly the youth to strive for Vocational Excellence.
After the devastating fires in the Southern Cape last year, it was decided to reward a few individuals that had done something really special. We approached the two fire departments, Garden Route & George Fire and the SPCA. In all three cases we were informed that nominating individuals was not in any way possible as everyone, including the admin staff had done their bit, and walked the extra mile to fight this devastating catastrophe.
George Rotary was therefore proud to host an auspicious evening and were given presentations by each organisation on the scope and magnitude of the fire and their involvement in fighting to keep it under control and eventually extinguished. President Frances Feig and the Clubs Vocational Services Director Phoebus Minkner then awarded all the Recipients as a ‘team of individuals’ who went above and beyond vocational excellence in service to the community, with an “Rotary Vocational Service Award”, this is a world recognised award and one that they were very proud of accepting and will be displayed with pride and honour.
George Hospital Recreation Grdn
20/9//01/1The launch of the garden project at the George Hospital. 30 trees were planted. Different departments at the hospital each planted a tree. The vibe was amazing lots of backwards and forwards carrying compost to the various holes where the planting took place.
George Hospital Recreation Grdn
20/9//01/1The launch of the garden project at the George Hospital. 30 trees were planted. Different departments at the hospital each planted a tree. The vibe was amazing lots of backwards and forwards carrying compost to the various holes where the planting took place.
Wilderness Heights
20/9//01/1Click on image to enlarge
Rotary Club of George facilitated a R20,000 donation by Garden Route Mall o the Wilderness Heights Community Medical Project , run and administered by Hope Church Wilderness Heights. Funds were handed over to Rotary and Annalie Cable by the Mall’s General Manager Rion Olivier and Andrea van Rensburg. Rotarians Ian Rowan, Donald Goldfain and our Rotary guest, Dave Hill.
The funds will be used to stock up on medical supplies, such as bandages, paraffin gauze, antibiotic creams and other medical products used to treat injuries of residents the Wilderness Heights informal settlement.
Annalie Cable, the dedicated Florence Nightingale running the project extends an invite to all Wilderness Residents to drop in and see what good work is being done here for our community.
The centre feeds around 50 children , old age pensioners and invalids and about 10 volunteers twice a day . Locals earn points to spend in the JOY SHOP by packing food for the food packing project, making handmade bead jewelry, earning points by collecting recyclables and also by working in the gardens and veggie patch.
Please take the time to stop in and see what is happening at this heartwarming and uplifting project, RIGHT HERE IN WILDERNESS !
Bolton RC Visitors at Bethesda
20/8//01/0Click on image to enlarge David & Grace Sammut from RC Bolton visited George and visited Bethesda’s “Bolton Kitchen” . A group of Rotarians, including PP Charles Rowe , (who took the photo) joined the Canadians at Bethesda with Bishop Donald Harker and his wife Joan and Marzaan and Madelaine from Bethesda in a tour of Bethesda and the new kitchen. Thanks again to David and the RC Bolton for their help in funding this great project.
George Community Garden Project
20/1//01/0Click on image to enlarge FOOD GARDEN PROJECT – The Covid – 19 pandemic in SOUTH AFRICA has created an increase in unemployment of over 40 % which combined with the closure of schools, caused widespread hunger specifically for children. ROTARY GEORGE organised four soup kitchens distributing food to those in need. With the closure of schools the daily food supply for children was interrupted as well. ROTARY GEORGE received donor funds to maintain the soup kitchens over several months however, it was clear to Rotary George that this was not a sustainable solution. After intensive discussions the establishment of Sustainable FOOD GARDENS was selected as a best solution.
The start of the logistics and organization of these gardens required dedicated and qualified partners to provide success and sustainability and a team to guide and train the children. The DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE in George has joined with substantial know how, manpower, and funds to drive the activities. The first selected partner for such a Garden was CARPE DIEM SCHOOL in George.
CARPE DIEM SCHOOL is an integrated education centre concentrating on mentally and physically disadvantaged children from wheelchair bound to Autistic children. The age group starts from kindergarten up to matric for 350 children. The centre includes hostel facilities to accommodate 85 children from distant farming communities. Daily meals are provided by the in house kitchen. Food parcels are handed out for desperate families.The school has a bus service to return some children to their families on weekends if desired. The total staff of 101 employees are teachers, therapists, nurses and physiotherapists.
CARPE DIEM SCHOOL has currently an annual budget of R95m, half of which is provided by the municipality and the Western Cape Government, the rest by parents, donations and sponsorships. A Food Garden project had been started but became neglected due to the pandemic lockdown.
Rotary George saw an opportunity to help; and has stepped in and agreed to reactivate the gardening activities providing tools, water harvesting, expertise and compost. This initial phase has a budget of R125,000, and is based on Rotary requirements for sustainability, competitive bidding and proper documentation for audits.
The main target of the gardening project is not only providing food for the kitchen; but as well training the children in gardening and agriculture, which will give them skills for their future. During his official club visit DG Ian Robertson District 9350, was shown the fruits of Rotary George’s efforts by Rotarians, along with the Teachers and Learners from the revived and now flourishing Carpe Diem Food Garden Project.
Broadway and Beyond
//Click on image to enlarge Fundraising Musical Afternoon with music from popular movies and Shows, poetry and dramatic movement
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